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Blah blah blah

2003-01-18 / 12:23 a.m.

Wow. It's friday already. The countdown to the return-to-school has begun. I'm looking forward to going back, but for as much as I've been talking about how I can't wait....it won't be all good....

I've already got a list a mile long of things I have to do when I get back, and it makes me want to hide out here in Marietta, quit college, and go on folding clothes at the mall. I'll miss the cats, and my mother. ... .. .... . that's about it though. Otherwise, ready to go back :) I can't wait to see all you downtown college kids either.

Today was nothing remarkable, but not bad at all. I took my own advice today, and just tried to enjoy living...and despite several setbacks, I think it worked alright. Work was same old, same old. I got a meager paycheck from last week, and bought a really cute shirt on clearance. That's about it. Exciting...Lori Davis exciting..._exciting_!...

This evening, I just hung out with my mother. We rented a movie (Serendipity--her choice) and made margaritas. The movie was crappy, but not quite as bad as I feared, and it was downright cute after the second batch of margaritas. Unfortunately, that's about all I have to say. I'm getting ready for work at the music store tomorrow, and trying to get some stuff packed up to go back to school (I'm failing).

I can't wait to start updating on my own computer again. (sigh of longing). I'll post more about my trip as soon as I get back. I wrote it already, but didn't feel like finishing it up today. I've been busy composing two letters--one to Penny's and one to Blockbuster about their extraordinary wastefulness. This is something that interests maybe...I dunno....two of you....so I won't make you all read my reasonings. Rather, I'll just go to bed, dreaming about the blissful fact that tomorrow is the last day I have to get up for work for awhile, and I'll have 4 days afterwards to sleep to my heart's content. :)

All intellectual content is � Emily. Some rights are reserved.
Don't steal from Emmy. She bites.
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