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2003-01-27 / 1:36 p.m.

I'm waiting for my mother to come and help with my car. Asking her for my mother's help tends to make me feel 10 years old again, and completely stupid and useless--but I guess I'm not as independent as I like to think, and I still need her help for a lot of things. side note: On my list of things to do in 2003: learn more about how to take care of a car. It is overheating again --though I've concluded that this is not necessarilly due to the amount of oil it's leaking. I tried to drive it someplace this morning to get it checked out, but it started overheating before I could even get it to the mechanic, so I turned around and, defeated, drove it back to school--coaxing it not to die the whole way home. I guess when she gets here, we'll probably call my uncle who doesn't live too very far away, and ask if he can maybe take a peak at it to see if it's worth paying to have fixed :( This causes me dismay. It's also bringing back painful and sad memories of the escort. ::tear:: memories...

Argh. This just hasn't been a good day. I woke up this morning, and was terrified that I was going blind. This was probably just the product of a nightmare, but it has stuck with me all day. I keep evaluating the condition of my eyes, judging each one independently to make sure they're still functioning as good as usual and reading up on warning signs of glaucoma. All paranoia aside, I really do need an eye exam, because it's been several years since my last one. I need to get all the routine tests done and have my regular vision checked ... ... and no, for those of you who have kept up with me for the last few years (ie: friends)...my trip to the opthomologist to get the floaters checked on doesn't count--it unfortuantely wasn't a comprehensive exam.

I'm going to go now, to recieve my mother. In addition to discussing the current condition of my car, she's taking me shopping for various things since I havn't been able to get off campus this week.

All intellectual content is � Emily. Some rights are reserved.
Don't steal from Emmy. She bites.
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