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2003-03-03 / 12:46 a.m.

HAPPY 03.03.03!!!

How will I celebrate? Going to class! yay!!!

Quote of the day: "BrianIM: I would just use you for your swingin' ass and adequate breasts."
Today I went out shopping with my mother. It was alright, but reminded me how annoying shopping generally is. Still, I had an enjoyable time overall, and it was nice to see The Mother. We only had time to shop for and purchase half the things I went out to buy-- I still want a messenger bag thingie for school, socks, and a black purse. On the upside, I found sugar free flavored syrup for coffee (and it's really tasty), I bought a top at Lerner's with my 10$ coupon, acceptable black shoes on clearance, acceptable black pants for Flute Choir performances. Most pleasant of all, my mother decided that I needed some decent makeup, and splurged on some.

While at the makeup counter, I think I found a perfume that I don't hate....I usually just don't like the smell of perfume--especially floral perfume, but I really liked the new Clinique ... heart. I guess its from the same line as "happy". It was pleasant, though I've never really been a perfume person

This time last year. "Last night, Michi and I were looking through the book I got her for her birthday, If...questions for the game of life. One of them was something like "What is your ultimate impossible sexual fantasy?". I couldn't really think of much of anything good....I'm out of touch with that I suppose. Anyway, I couldn't think of anything, until this afternoon that is. While looking at a Ewan fan page, I discovered that Ewan and Jude Law shared an apartment in London while they were struggling actors. ::drool:: Yeah...they worked some together too....but that isn't important. Ewan and Jude. sharing an apartment. Oh to be a fly on the wall"

Oh my stars! It is quite late! I should be going. Goodnight, kids

All intellectual content is � Emily. Some rights are reserved.
Don't steal from Emmy. She bites.
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put a little something in our lemonade and take it with us
best. party souvenir. ever.

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