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Just letting you know...

2003-05-03 / 7:50 p.m.

Having a sudden craving for Dim Sum....unnggggg.....dimmmm summmmmm

interview prep

2003-05-02 / 10:06 p.m.

My first interview for the gov. program is Monday. I guess I don't get to go to "half priced monday" at Last chance, but I think this is a little more important...though I feel like my chances of being hired are somewhat like a certain ball of snow someplace very hot...At any rate, I'm off to learn about HR work and the Office of planning and budget to prepare. Adieu.


2003-05-01 / 7:03 p.m.

On the Gov. Program...


Okay, incase you haven�t been subjected to this in person, here's a quick overview of how this program works...After interviewing for the program, I was selected. At this stage, they send me the information of one to three participating organizations who were interested in my resume and application. I set up interviews with them independently, and both the organizations and I send impressions to the program: the companies say if they like me or not, and I say my first and second choice. Then the program people mull over the forms forever, and if there's a good match between you and one of the organizations you interviewed with, they set you up in the internship. I have no idea how many people I'm competing with, but at least I have some sense of deadlines now. I have to make my interviews by the 12th of May, and the program decides and gets back to you on the 23rd. The wait!

Long story short.

2003-05-01 / 6:53 p.m.

Ugg. I wrote a really long entry about today...about my extreme joy and fall into a pit of worry...unfortunately, my computer froze while I was doing this. I was no able to save it before being charged with the blue screen of death. I would write about it again now, but I'm at work, busy with work stuff, and have a ton of homework to get done otherwise...so, a real entry is going to have to wait. Fortunately for you, I'll give you the quick verson of things...

Today, I recieved conformation that I was accepted to the second level of the Gov. intern program....In other words, I didn't get an internship yet, but I have two possible organizations to interview with. The bad news is that both of the company bios they sent me seem to be looking for someone with completely different skills and qualifications than I have, and because of this, I'm worried I don't have a very good chance of being awarded either of them. Still, I'm trying to keep my hopes upand think good thoughts about the whole thing. Maybe I can knock their socks off...who knows?

I also heard that the SOS intern program (the one I was hoping to get) has a history of deciding this time of year that they don't have the money in their budget to pay their interns. joy. Right now, I want nothing more than one of these jobs. I wish there was something I could do to better my chances. I'm so hopeful at this point that if I don't get any of them, it's going to really break me. So there you go. Alas, I must depart now. I'll update you on the internship things later I guess. This should be a pretty light weekend, the only thing I have to get done is my astronomy paper...crunchtime+ starts next Tuesday after the last day of class. After that, I've got about a week to write two papers, take a self-sched final and a take home final. After that, I don't know. Isn't that a scary thought. Quite depressing. Someone cheer me up, or get me a job.

Caffiene and Journaling

2003-05-01 / 8:55 a.m.

Diaryland.com! More fun than Dairyland.com for sure!!! It's early, give me a break :)

Flute Choir concert last night...went...okay, I guess. I have trouble detetching myself from my performance enough to evaluate the concert as a whole, so I'm curious to hear the CD. I could have done better...I'm dissapointed in myself for doing stupid things. My mom liked it though. Eh well, whatev.

What else...hummm....Trying to get some idea in my mind of when I'm moving out, so I can beg for help, but I really have no idea of how long it's going to take me to write these papers. In an ideal world, I'd just plan to stay until the very last day, devoting my time to writing really great papers and meticulously combing over them to make sure they're perfect...in reality though, I'm not going to want to be here all alone when everyone else leaves. I think my revised plan is just to start as soon as I have time, do a good job, and turn them in when they're done. Promising myself that I'll stay the whole time to work on them is writing a check I know my brain isn't going to want to cash

Monday I'm treating myself to an outing for sure. I keep hearing about this REALLY GREAT THRIFT STORE. Some girl in my astronomy class came in wearing the cutest skirt ever that she got there, and now I just can't wait to go any longer. Not only that, but this establishment has--get this--half price mondays. Lol. I'm definately going monday after class, and I'm Lori Davis excited

that's about it, time to head on over to Astronomy, where we probably won't even do anything. Weeeee!

What's your fantasy?

2003-04-30 / 2:14 p.m.

Sitting here taking a break from studying and just relaxing for a few moments, and enjoying the wonderful spring smell coming in through the window. I called in sick to work today to get stuff done, which is good...because I've gotten a ton done that I had almost forgotten about. Even with all the hustle though, I'm still going to miss this place an awful lot this semester, and the semester hasn't even been that great, you know? I think I'm going to really have a hard time leaving next Spring for Argentina (No, Brian and Hillary, that does not mean I'm going to chicken out).

As usual, visions of internships dance in my head, along witht the realization that this summer will be a welcome vacation more than a punishment provided I like where I'm working. It'll be nice to have a little more time to myself. There's already a little list forming in the back of my mind of things I want to do when I don't have to worry about meeting a schedule every day. I want to...

  • Take a weekend and visit some Scott friends, provided I can get a 9-5 M-F job
  • learn to knit a scarf, or sew something cool...probably a little handbag to go with the dress my mom is going to make for me.
  • As in past summers, I'll re-read favorite childrens books...Thinking of starting with Lloyd Alexander's Prydain Chronicles. Though I've never read the Narnia books, which I guess I should do eventually
  • To curb the crapulance of joining a gym for the summer, I want to find one that offers a fun class...yoga perhaps?
  • Create something nice and artistic to hang up on my wall next year
  • Learn about Argentina
  • Go to Six Flags
  • Go to at least one of the free summer concerts
  • Try Sabor do Brazil
  • Collage. Collage a lot of stuff...notebooks, definately the cover to my planner for next year, a new diary, whatever
  • Read read read fiction fiction fiction. Michelle is reading The Hours, and says its good. I'll add that to my wishlist.
  • Wait in line to buy Harry Potter V!!!! JUNE 21!!!
....There's more, I just need to stop fantasizing about all the fun things I could do and get started on my Astronomy. Ciao.

before work

2003-04-29 / 3:34 p.m.

We had an earthquake last night?! wtf? I didn't notice, which is odd...because apparently it happened at 5 something in the morning, and I don't imagine I was sleeping too deeply, since I got up to go to the bathroom cerca 3:00 am, and got up for the day at ten to seven...but sure enough, by the time I was alive and awake and talking to people (not until astronomy at 9:30) I hear that there was an earthquake that caused tremors all over the south. How long has it been since we've had any sort of incident like this here? I know there are some fault lines around, but I haven't seen an actual earthquake in my lifetime.

It's official. The end of the semester rush is upon me. Class ends one week from today. I have a soc paper due tomorrow, an astronomy paper due a week from thursday, two end of term politics papers due by the 14th of may, two finals (one take home, one self-schedule), and a partridge in a pear tree. Not to mention daily homework and readings...I'm a little behind for Allende's class, and I've still got half a book to read and a ton of court cases for Professor B+ by Friday... I can do it though, I can do it all. I thrive on the pressure, baby. Tomorrow is going to be absolutely insane. I have things scheduled back to back from 9:00 in the morning until about 9:30 in the evening. I'm totally serious too, I don't have time to add anything to my schedule and it stresses me out.

Right now, I'm just killing the 20 minutes I have in between class and work, and trying to prioritize which homework to tackle while I'm here. I'm also trying to figure out the gym hours for finals--it's one of those comfort things to know what hours building are open...I've got issues with it. I've already got the dining hall schedule, finals library schedule, public lab schedule, and exam schedule sketched out in my planner--the gym is certainly the missing link. I gotta go now, I'm going to try to check my mail one last time before work....maybe, just maybe, there's internship stuff in there. ::fingers crossed:: but probably not...I heard we'll get the stuff "by the end of the week" --did I already write about that? probably. How pathetic.


2003-04-28 / 10:48 p.m.

I was going to do any laundry between now and the end of the semester, but it seems unavoidable at this point. I've got mysterious stainage all over the sleeve of my blue hoodie, and I've got the Em trademark coffe stain on the right sleeve of the oatmeal colored hoodie. I suppose I'll wait until both pairs of my jeans are good and funky before I give in and do a load...but just one load. I'm serious about this too...tomorrow I'll be doing some hand wash, but no more. I'm sick of paying to wash my clothes. So there. There's at least one reason I'm glad to be going home...one good reason....gah! Who am I kidding?! I'm dreading this semester being over ::sob:: laundry or not!

Trying to be optimistic.

2003-04-28 / 4:11 p.m.

ahhhhhh. I just spent a whole, glorious hour bombarding my skin with UV rays while I read my most current book for "Rights" It's such an incredibly beautiful day, and I'm grateful that it's Monday, and I had the hour to spend outside.

I got my ring back today, and I'm pleased...though again, Herff Jones has not delivered the perfection that they fervently promise. It's almost like they're being a little cheeky at this point...I asked to have the band replaced because it was pathetically thin and narrow, and ironically enough, they replaced the band with one that is a bit thick and wide.....mmmmm k. yeah. That can be fixed easily enough without sending it back though. I'll have to have it sized, so the person who does that can even the band a smidge. It doesn't bother me anyway; it's sturdy and not noticeable. I do wish it fit better, but their sizes just seem to run large. It would fit my right ring finger for a bit after I had been sunning myself, but as soon as I came indoors, it became annoyingly loose again. I'll just wear it on my left middle finger for the rest of the year, I like it there just fine...I'm just glad to finally have it!! Per my wish, it's here before I have to make any interviews for real jobs...It's a good networking tool to wear it, because you never know when you'll be spotted by someone on the good ole' girls network.

Speaking of...Gov. intern program said we'd hear this week about any companies that want us, so I'm checking my box like a fiend. Somehow, all of the scott kids who applied found each other today, and shared anything they had heard about it. Apparently, the program told a couple of people that stuff was mailed out Wednesday....yeah...so anytime now. Sigh. Still havn't heard anything from the office of SoS. Trying to be optimistic. Trying to be optimistic. Trying to be optimistic.

Ohh! oh! Today was good! Guess what? Guesswhatguesswhat? I got last week's rights paper back...Professor B+ (name changed to protect the innocent) gave me an A- Hot dog! Huzzah. That brings me up to one B and one A-...in my book, an A on the third and final paper would merit an A in the class....I just got the prompt in my e-mail box actually, it looks hard, but we'll see. Trying to be optimistic. Trying to be optimistic. Trying to be optimistic.

I wish I could say that all of my professor experiences today were that positive, but of course, today was my meeting with Professor Sociology--uuuugggg. That woman means well, but she and I do not work well together. Talking to her about my paper was excruciating. She kept explaining how to do things that I already knew how to do...ie: cite quotes and things. wtf? Eventually, I clued in, and asked her very. guided. questions. things worked better then, and all was well.

Okay, I should go. I've got to get my astronomy homework done before dinner, because after dinner I've got to drive back down to Stockbridge to pick up the Volvo. yes, alas...no more driving the brand new little Saturn around. Just as well though, it makes me nervous to drive other people's cars, and my mother would kill me if she knew I accepted their offer to let me use it: she's a total Nazi about letting me drive other people's cars. I think her paranoia is partially just the way she and I are...but it's more the assumption that I'm just a rotten driver. She and Hillary seem to hold this belief very near and dear to them. I, however, consider myself an average driver, and probably slightly above average when I'm wearing my glasses ;) my sense of direction aside, I'm not a bad driver at all. Anyway. That's that. Talk to you later!

All intellectual content is � Emily. Some rights are reserved.
Don't steal from Emmy. She bites.
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