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Peek a boo!

2003-05-09 / 12:44 p.m.

no, I haven't dropped off the face of the earth...at least not yet. I've just been really really really swamped dealing with finals. I've got two essays to write, and a take home final to contend with. I don't know how long it will all take to finish (and the uncertainty is killing me). At any rate, when things quiet down, and I get a good sense of how much more time I need, I'll post again and tell you all about life and internships and the end of the semester and everything else.

Thai Peanut

2003-05-06 / 10:25 p.m.

Tonight was the Writing Center dinner. Unfortunately, because of the crazed weather, we didn't get to go to Korean Barbeque :( We did go to Noodle though, and it was tasty...I ate far too much. It always makes me self conscious to go out with a large group of women, because invariably, several of them will pick at their food in a very dainty fashion. I stand in stark contrast to this flock...but I can't help it, I just love food, and I always seem to overeat. I had the Thai Peanut Noodle Bowl and a large dish of coconut ice cream for dessert. I was called "A good eater" :-/ Still though, all indulgences aside, it was pretty freaking tasty...not Buford Highway fare, but fair enough :) lol. I had a good time though, and I really, honestly, love everyone I'm going to be working with next semester. There was one tutor I was a little nervous about meeting, because she's always seemed really intimidating to me in the past, but no...she is so cool. She's a PS major too, and we had a really long discussion on the department and a class we have together over our dessert. I'm excited to be employed there for the fall.

Afterwards, I walked over to Java Monkey and studied, priding myself on how college-y I must have looked. After some older man left it vacant, I stationed myself reading and looking cute on an overstuffed sofa, fanaticizing about meeting someone interesting who would comment on the book I was reading...but no such thing happened. The most interesting person who talked to me was a middle aged woman looking for a diskette she lost. Alas. I actually got quite a bit of work done for a busy place...almost finished with my last book for "Rights", did some essay pre-writing, and edited my Astronomy paper for (hopefully) the last time.

Tonight will have to be a pretty early one...I stupidly scheduled my make-up interview with the OPB for tomorrow morning at 9:00, not thinking of how heinous the rush hour traffic will be. I'm going to have to get up at the crack of dawn to be sufficiently polished and composed in time to leave, and get there with time to park and such. Ay de mi. I hope that the lady with the historic pres. job calls as well, I'm really eager to learn more about that one....and most of all, I'm eager to put my best face forward at a real, live, interview so that I can have a real, live, nonshitty job this summer. Oooooooo, I want it so bad, I can TASTE it....and it tastes even better than the Thai Peanut Bowl, baby.

Ha ha!

2003-05-06 / 4:05 p.m.

From Brian's Journal

"Monica Kaufman redeemed herself last night when she reported that Dr. Vachtsevanos (my high school principal, FYI) was arrested twice for shoplifting. She has since been forced to resign. The mug shot was precious, almost reaching Nick Nolte standards. Sadly, I could not locate it on the WSB-TV website."

so much for that, yo.

2003-05-05 / 10:42 p.m.

Today, I dressed for my big interview. I drove downtown for my big interview. I paid to park for my big interview. My big interview didn't happen because the woman who was supposed to conduct afore mentioned big interview was not in office. I was left waiting for 20 minutes while another woman tried to contact her, so that they could do it together over the phone. Big interview didn't happen today. It seems that I will have to repeat at least the first part of the process Wednesday or Thursday, though hopefully sans rain. :(

In addition to my woe, while I was going through this gross inefficiency, someone from the other big interview called, but I wasn't able to get back in touch with her. woe, woe, woe.

All intellectual content is � Emily. Some rights are reserved.
Don't steal from Emmy. She bites.
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put a little something in our lemonade and take it with us
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