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2003-06-19 / 6:55 p.m.

Do you guys think I could run a 5K race? It would be way hard, but I wonder if I could make it. Anyone want to try with me? I don't think I'd be motivated enough to train a little unless I had someone to do it with.


2003-06-19 / 6:39 p.m.

Welcome ladies and germs, to Em's shitty diary! Tonight, coming to you live from Mountain View Public Library, where there are no mountains in sight! Yeah, after work, I didn't feel like going home. My mother has been a spectacular bitch lately, and I didn't feel like taking any more crap. So here I am....doing the online thing on a connection that's a bazillion times faster than the one at home, AND I don't have to share with anyone. Huzzah!

Today I wont my very first ebay auction, joy! Unfortunately, I'm retarded, and big under my mother's password. Therefore, the seller sent the e-mail to my mother (god knows what account she registered under, I hope she remembers) and I can't finalize it. But, if all goes well, I should get a copy of Prolonging the Magic in the mail not too long for now purchased for very few dollars. I'm also bidding on a copy of motorcade of generosity (Cake's first major label release), and a Soul Coughing album: El Oso.

::gasp:: In less than 30 hours, I'll be buying Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. HVB just told me today that its suposed to be, like, 900 pages long or something. I had no idea, I knew it was going to be long, but not that long. I wonder if Rowling is going to lose the youngest members of her fanclub. Still, no matter....There are enough Harry Potter fanatics to go around and spend zillions buying the book. Everyone seems to be formulating their own theories on who's going to die in the next book. I think H's idea that she'll off Neville is the most likely I've heard yet--but how sad!

I finally hooked the scanner my aunt gave me up....I need something to scan. I also charged up the dig. camera for Friday....so I hope I can get some good images going and un-suckify this page a bit--though that's going to take a lot of work.

Alright, I've got nothing left to say now and this computer tells me that my session ends in 10 minues (WTF?! I just got here). I'm going to go take advantage of the free magazines and put some books on hold. Suprisingly, Cobb co. has several copies of Reefer Madness, and I should have one within the next few days. Of course, this makes my sticking with The Blind Assassin even less likely. Any other fiction suggestions for something good I can read in addition to R.M? Something really good....I've got a ton of very dry reading to do for my job last fall, and I need something fun to counteract that. Heh, it came yesterday in a big, deceptively fun looking envelope...I was very dismayed to open it and find that it was essays and books on being a writing tutor. ;P

Stop, drop, and roll

2003-06-18 / 12:53 a.m.

What other news? Need to get it all in one fell swoop....hummmm

Sold my car. The infamous Nick is now the proud owner...Agnes sticker and all. I am now the mistress of the Sunfire, which causes me glee and felicity. Mom ended up buying a camry, which seems to be a nice, but completely unremarkable car: how mom-like

Went to a party last Friday where I became better aquainted with the Georgia Tech crowd that Hill and Bruce introdced me to. ate lots of tasty junk food cooked by the skilled and suave Joe, saw the ball of cuteness that is Bill's puppy, played the original Nintendo, and tried not to be uptight and out of place. I had a good time. I appreciate HVB taking me along and getting me out of the house...it was a much needed escape from my mother's tyranny. (pictures from http://gehennom.net/~un/meatball/).


2003-06-18 / 12:42 a.m.

Along with the tendency to eat everything in site, this summer is also turing me into more of a television aficionado (perhaps this is contributing to the weight gain ;p jeez). Adult Swim, while it doesn't seem to play SGC2C at a reasonable time, airs Futurama and Family guy monday through Thursday, which makes me happy inside. Futurama rocked tonight, as there was an excellent parody of Iron Chef Included.

Iron Chef rocks. Food Network rocks. I watch a lot. Beyond Iron Chef, I've made a habit of watch at least bits of Date Plate, Unwrapped, and Food Fight.....this behavior is probably also not helping the diet, but who gives a fuck. What's there to life if you can't watch people compete with food. psh.

And, as usual, Personal TLC (minus the evil that is "A Baby Story") is the order of the day. I saw the dumbest Wedding Story the other day. Okay folks...theme weddings can be cute though, but there's a fine line between cute and creepy, and this couple definately crossed it with their obsessive and over-the-top Medieval/Renaissance wedding. Vows in old english? Calling each other "Sir" and "Lady" in the vows? Costumes? Swords?! The amount of set up that went into this ceremony was just silly.

Like a fucking (orderofthe)phoenix from the ashes

2003-06-18 / 12:36 a.m.

So all of a sudden, I feel like writing. I was at day care (work) today, and this child kept tugging on my sleeve and telling me in urgent tones that she "wanted to talk about asthma", and it suddenly hit me: this incredibly urge to write.

Kids are fucking weird, dude--that's all I can say. I think they may be warming up to me. Last week, they kept calling me "Miss. Katie" --who knows why. And they were only nice to me when they wanted something, but things are going a little better. I feel like I've come a little closer to being able to control the little ankle biters. It would be nice if I could whip them into shape like in that stupid Arnold Schwarzenegger movie...but right now, I'm lucky to be able to keep them from killing each other.

What else....hummmm. Finished Fast Food Nation and it rocked. I'm currently putting myself on the library waiting list for Reefer Madness, which is also by Schlosser. In the meantime, I've started The Blind Assassin AGAIN. hopefully, I'll get through it this summer.

Joy and Glee!! Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix comes out this Friday!!! YAYAYAYA!!! I'm planning to go to a party in honor of the event thrown by Marilyn (who I recently became aquainted with through HVB and Bruce, as well as her financee buying my car--but that's another story). After M's party, HVB and I will continue to borders to purchase our books.

Hopefully, the intense joy of Friday will counteract my woe caused by my summer weight gain. Being at home for just a little over a month has destroyed my trend of healthy eating, which makes me feel like a failure and a half....I've gained visible thickness in a very short time. I've fallen off the wagon, and I'm having trouble catching back up to it :( One of my students told me I had big legs today. Unfortunately, "fuck you" isn't a permissible retort at this particular pre-school, go figure ;p

Cry uncle

2003-06-15 / 3:51 p.m.

okay...I give up. Entries will probably be very spotty until school starts up again. Sorry to those of you who still read.


2003-06-10 / 9:00 a.m.

okay, updates coming soon--you've got my word on it!

Life or something like it

2003-05-29 / 11:28 a.m.

Hadn't felt much like updating since Tuesday's crushing blow...I don't think it will come as a great suprise that I didn't get either of the internships. I called the program coordinator Tuesday morning to inquire ( I still didn't get my letter in the mail), and I didn't get an appointment. She made it sound like HPD might have wanted to take me as a second intern, but didn't get funding to have two. I know it would have been highly unlikely for me to get this anyway, and I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up....but I did and I'm really crushed. But I'm getting over it

The next step has been job hunting, and it has SUCKED. NOBODY, NADIE, is hiring. I must have applied a million places. Good places, bad places, places I thought sure would hire me...but no dice. I finally got something though, it's only part time, and it'll probably suck like nothing else, but at least i'ts a job, and it's something I've never done before. The hours are great, the pay is decent, but the job itself...well, it'll be an experience. You're now reading the journal of the

teacher at a popular local pre-school. um yeah. Me? kids? Some of you have been saying I should, others will wonder what the hell I'm thinking, but like I said, at least its something new. Plus, I'll never have to work on a weekend, and the latest I'll have to work is 6 or 7 o'clock, which is pretty sweet. So, even if I lose my mind teaching kids to count and paint and tie their shoes, I can at least enjoy my evenings.

What I get for trying to be a food snob...

2003-05-26 / 9:06 a.m.

So my mom and I went to the Cajun place, Fee-Lay, next to the mall last night. I expected it to suck...it's in the building where shoney's was and the exterior (and interior decor--as I found out when I went to go pick up a menu) screamed family-friendly, which I equate with lots of noisy children. Fortunately, we ate there anyway, and it was super good. That had tons of summer specials which I want to go back and try. My mother finally got a mufela...muffamam...muffaletta or however the hell you spell it. She's been talking about how she hasn't had a good one in decades (though I strongly suspect she doesn't have firm criteria in her mind as to what constitutes "good"). It was good, and I'll go back. Afterwards, on gluttonous impulse, I suggested that I take my mom to Jakes....I totally shouldn't have. Not only did I overeat, but she did not appreciate the experience. She didn't try any of the interesting flavors because they "didn't look good", ended up getting "chocolate slap yo� mama" (which is good, but not nearly the best in my opinion), and claimed that Ben and Jerry's was better than Jakes when all was said and done. Ha! As if!

Small freaking world too...of all the people in Atlanta who love The Jakes, we ran into HVB and Bruce! Unfortunately, I think the presence of my mother and I was a buzz kill for their date, and mom didn't make her usual sparkling conversation (read: talking about the cats while tossing in a few jokes at my expense). Still, I had a good time...because, come on, you know me, and Jakes=awesome

But anyway...I noticed while we were at Fee-Lay that there that they seemed to be training a lot of inexperienced waitresses, and they all seemed to be really nice. Their uniform looked comfortable and non-retarded, the atmosphere was decent, and they aren't a chain...so I bet working there comes with a lot less bullshit. You can see where I'm going with this....Tomorrow is the day of reckoning with the internships. I'm going to just call and ask why I haven't been notified, even though I can already tell that the mere act of picking up the phone is going to be very scary...but anyway. If I don't happen to get one of these internships (I'm not giving up....still working the positive thinking angle) perhaps I'll try my hand at waiting tables--everyone says the money is great, and I've run into two people since coming home who say that I have a good personality for it. Eh, we'll see what happens.

I'd like to write more, but I've gotta� shower now, mom and I are going to my aunt and uncle's house for Memorial Day. Unfortunately, my hopes for the day aren't that high: the weather sucks, and I'm still �berfull from last night's food extravaganza. My diet has really been deplorable since I�ve come home. : ( I think it�s partly the lack of routine, and the regular access to the refrigerator. Much like a barnyard animal, I see to graze when I pass through the kitchen....not good. So, reason number 3,728,193,084 I would like one of these Gov. internships....more secure schedule means better planned meals, which means better health and longer life. So, in other words, I could die if I get rejected...How�s that for solid logic? : p ha ha ha. Okay. I should go. Adios.

Internship update

2003-05-24 / 3:31 p.m.

It's Saturday. It's Saturday May the 24th. Yesterday was Friday the 23rd. I haven't heard from the internship people. I'll call on Tuesday I suppose. Do you think the lack of response means I just didn't get it, or would they send a rejection letter? Could it be a delay in mail delivery? There was no e-mail either, no calls. I'm trying to fight the feeling of knowing I didn't get it...because there's still hope. If there's any creedance to the power of positive thinking, I'm going to use it...I would be a good intern, they wouldn't regret picking me...Wow. The waiting kills you.

In other news, none of the other 32,718,490,673,829,463,278 places I applied to are interested in hiring me. I'm not looking forward to applying in my next tier of establishments. Any suggestions for places to apply?

Bathrooms should clean themselves...lousy bastards

2003-05-24 / 3:25 p.m.

Ohhhhhhhhh buddy. To all of the crazy nay-sayers who said not to paint my room orange: lick it up, Heather...lick. it. up. It is so bitchin' I can't even take it. When it's COMPLETELY clean, and the camera batteries are charged, I'll put up some photos so you can oooh and ahhh at the wall color, the new artish prints, and the best lamp ever. Oh man, I really love it. :) :)

Next week....starting after Memorial day I guess, my mother goes back to work (finally). The house should be immaculate by then, as this has been a frustrating week of spring cleaning and such. When that happens, people should definately come visit and see the afore mentioned lamp, wall color, and art with their own two eyes :) heh. Okay, time to start cleaning again...unfortunately, just like my mom said, bathrooms do not clean themselves.

All intellectual content is � Emily. Some rights are reserved.
Don't steal from Emmy. She bites.
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