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2003-06-26 / 10:52 a.m.

BTW: I've written two or three entries at home, but haven't posted because Joi is fucked up and I can't log on at home. I am currently in the biblioteca gritters and my session is about to run out :( I already had it extended once, so the dude probably won't do it again. Quick update on life:

***Two chapters left in Harry Potter...that means that tomorrow this page may be loaded with spoilers, so read up before then :)

***Saw Donnie Darko with Joe on Tuesday night and had a super time. I absolutely heart the new Madstone theater. The movie was weird...and one left me feeling like I didn't really understand all of it, but at least it made more sense than Mullholland fucking drive. I'm glad Joe, in his infinite coolness, isn't one of those people who gets critical of others who don't understand movies. Afterwards, we played tetris on gamecube...fun, but I still like the original tetris way better

***Went out with Eric C. last night to get a burrito at Chipotle. They just opened up one in atlanta, and he _swore_ that it was soooo great and we had to go. Meh...I wasn't that impressed. It was good, but not nearly up to the level of Raging Burrito, nor Maui Tacos. We traded books...I loaned him Fast Food Nation, and he let me borrow The Da vinci Code which he said was good.

Alas, 5 minutes remaining. ciao!

Clearance Jeans

2003-06-26 / 10:51 a.m.

ha ha ha ha ha. Someone came across this page by googling "clearance jeans".

Best Lamp Ever

2003-06-23 / 10:39 a.m.

Cleaned up my room last night, and took some pictures...including some of The Best Lamp Ever (as mentioned on May 24th)


Is this not the best lamp ever? If you want to see some more pictures of the yellow walls and such: Bedroom....however, I've got to warn you that they're big, and not that interesting.

The Photos

2003-06-22 / 10:37 p.m.

HVB in her infinite wonderfulness uploaded the pictures from Friday night to the internet. Between my computer and hers, somehow the individualized filenames were lost, but you'll survive :)
Pictures from HPV night.

I'm enjoying the book so far. In fact, I was so absorbed reading at the pool with HVB that I lost track of how long I had been laying in the sun, and got a little pink...though mostly because of faulty sunscreen application....I still tan very well....but that's not the point....was there a point? No matter, I'm off to go read more before bed. Ciao!

Harry Potter!!!!!!!!

2003-06-22 / 1:30 a.m.

Last night was frickin' awesome. Just awesome. I loaded the pictures from my camera, but, as usual, they're huge....Therefore, I burned them on a CD and gave it to Hillary. She'll upload them to the internet for me on Monday, and they will be available for your viewing pleasure. Until then, I can give you....uh....words. Deal.

Got to H's dorm about 8:00 and hung out for a bit. Always a pleasure to simply exist with my best friend. We proceeded to Marilyn's about 9:00, and ended up being the first people there, which generally sucks, but all was good. She's so friendly, I'm glad to have met her....this chick absolutely exudes happy. She made "butterbeer", and the recipe she chose was pretty tasty. H and I looked around the internet, and we encountered a wide variety of recipes which ranged from sounding pretty good, to absolutely disgusting. To me, the thought of butter and root beer (which was an actual recipe we found) sounds vile. M made hers with cream soda and a little butterscotch schnapps--mmmmmm...like fizzy liquid candy.

People came in and out, HP trivia cards were occasionally read and answered, the interview with JKR and Creepy Katie Couric was aired, and tasty snacks were had by all. Someone brought cookies that were absolutely orgasmic, momentarily mitigating the severe chocolate cravings I've been having the past few days. Nick mixed up some drink he created, which Marilyn honored with a Harry Potter moniker. Nick found this to be "gay", and so the ultimate name of the beverage was something like "Snape's evil gay gay gay fuck me in the ass potion" or something...but the important part is that this libation not only included Jager midori and diet grape soda, but also the addition of pop rocks. Since I didn't try it, I would be presumptuous to pass judgment....but that sounds absolutely ass nasty to me....perhaps that's just my uneducated palette for alcohol....

We left for borders about 10:30, and everyone else followed pretty shortly afterwards. We all mingled unashamed with the kids that were there: face painting, wand decorating, complementary butterbeer (though not as good as the mildly alcoholic version), the whole nine yards. Since we got there pretty early, we also got our books pretty early. Before 12:30, HVB had already read the first 4 pages aloud in the car on the way back to Tech. ha ha ha.

Afterwards, we decided to go see the ever cool Joe. I ended up staying a little past two watching Family Guy DVD with Joe, which was uberfunny. He even let me sit in the big comfy chair. Huzzah! I had to go though, because I was unbelievably sleepy....by the time I got home, I was too tired to even start reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (heh, I could abbreviate that :"HPooP" -heh heh, poop).

But yeah, I read about 150 pages today, but stopped so I could draw it out longer. So far it's good, but pretty dark. I'm a little anxious to get to a lighter passage of the book. Still pretty much spoiler free, and proud of it....so don't give anything away if you're past page 150!

Actually, I think I'll go read some now before bed. He he he, cheerio!

Trading Spaces

2003-06-22 / 12:34 a.m.

Woah. New Carpenter on Trading Spaces....hot. A bazillion times hotter than Ty. I'm enjoying watching TS again....didn't catch many last year. Oh, oh, and big shock....I actually liked both of Frank's rooms alright. Weird, huh? Here's a link to the page for one of tonight's eps.: Frank and Laurie in SC. . I looove the color Frank put on the walls, but aside from that, the slide show is also worth checking out to see Carter, the hot new carpenter.

Carpe Diem

2003-06-20 / 11:19 a.m.

"Do you always watch for the longest day of the year then miss it? I always watch for the longest day of the year and then miss it."

Clearance Frenzy

2003-06-20 / 10:41 a.m.

While I generally loathe shopping, there's something mysteriously fun about clearance shopping. Last night my mother and I called a truce from our tensions and went to the CVS that's renovating to dig through the clearance bins...everything was 75% off lowest clearance, in other words: dirt fucking cheap. The most interesting part of the evening was watching an asian women and her two daughters pick through every bin...they were rude, messy, kept crowding the other customers and waited until the store was almost about to close to bring their stuff to the register...usually, this wouldn't be an issue, but they had a whole cart there, and the poor CVS guy was keying everything in by hand. I couldn't help but look at their total....$97.88. Keeping in mind that the average price for an item was between $0.25 and $2.00, that's a lot of stuff. Where in the world would they put that many cosmetic items? These women seriously reminded me of birds flocking around trash.

Also stopped by Old Time Pottery and bought something else for my room....a stained glass thingie to put on the window. I pulled off the stupid wooden thing that makes the window look like it's divided into smaller panes, and it looks pretty suave. I'll take a photo this weekend. I also finally got a bedspread I don't hate...so I'll take some pictures of the finished product this weekend, provided I have the motivation to clean up again.

Okay, I've got to go shower before work...I managed to get a few extra hours today which is good, but it means I can't slack around on the internet until 3:30 ::sigh:: life is so hard. Oh oh oh! and guess what happens in about 13 hours....yeah, that's right. Harry Potter, baby!

Progress Report

2003-06-20 / 10:41 a.m.

My Summer Wishlist Progress Report: Take a weekend and visit some Scott friends, provided I can get a 9-5 M-F job
--Nothing has come to fruition yet, no one seems to be interested in inviting me officially. Huh, their loss.

learn to knit a scarf, or sew something cool...probably a little handbag to go with the dress my mom is going to make for me.
-- I would, but the sewing machine is not nearly accessible, due to my mother's filthy living space. And, as you may have guessed, the dress she promised to make me doesn't exist, and I bet it never will.

As in past summers, I'll re-read favorite childrens books...Thinking of starting with Lloyd Alexander's Prydain Chronicles. Though I've never read the Narnia books, which I guess I should do eventually
--Check! I'm through the first two Chronicles of Narnia books.

To curb the crapulance of joining a gym for the summer, I want to find one that offers a fun class...yoga perhaps?
--Er, haven't really taken any classes, since I work during yoga, but I'm going to try to do kickboxing next week.

Create something nice and artistic to hang up on my wall next year
--Another failure.

Learn about Argentina
--I have a book I want to read on hold, it should be coming to my library soon--but I think I should be more concerned with my procrastination issues surrounding my application.....

Go to Six Flags
--I did it, and I had fun....but Six Flags has lost some of it's magic. I found myself not being able to enjoy some of the more thrilling rides because they hurt so damn much. Still, it was awesome, and the new roller coaster: Deja vu was scary as hell.

Go to at least one of the free summer concerts
--I had thought I'd go see The White Stripes this friday, because everyone's saying it's going to be good....but it's HARRY POTTER FRIDAY, and as you see from a few entries to go, I've got plans, baby.

Try Sabor do Brazil
--I still really want to do this, but A) I'm broke B) I don't need to be eating out--I'm a fattie again, and C) No one I know seems jazzed up about eating South American

Collage. Collage a lot of stuff...notebooks, definately the cover to my planner for next year, a new diary, whatever
--I've been collecting stuff, but haven't actually collaged anything yet. Come next payday, I'm buying some fancyass paper to use and some blankbooks--Once completed, these should make good additions to gifts to make them a little more personal

Read read read fiction fiction fiction. Michelle is reading The Hours, and says its good. I'll add that to my wishlist.
--Started on the Blind Assassin, and have read a grand total of ten pages. I think I'm bored with it because I still remember the first half pretty well, but not well enough to skip over it. Perhaps I need to read something else....perhaps something else by Atwood? I could finish Caramelo

Wait in line to buy Harry Potter V!!!! JUNE 21!!!

This shouldn't really count, because it doesn't involve much effort...but I WILL be doing this Friday.

All intellectual content is � Emily. Some rights are reserved.
Don't steal from Emmy. She bites.
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