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Hello, Buenos Aires!!

2003-07-01 / 12:57 p.m.

Coming to you live from ASC today...

Came down here to fill out a transcript request, and now I'm just killing time before I help the HVB move her stuff to her new apartment. Being down here has made me realize how much I miss being at school. Like every summer, I'm eager to get back on campus...but not exactly eager to start classes. I'm in the WC now, and it's heavenly. I'm almost completely alone, it's quiet but for the sound of the rain against the windows, and the internet doesn't suck. Almost makes me feel like studying...but not quite. But yes, back on campus will be nice. Hopefully, I'll lose the extra summer pounds when I get back too so I can be all hot and sexy by the time I leave for Argentina.

Speaking of....The whole study abroad thing became a lot more real this morning when I finally sent away for my passport. For the first time, it really really feels like I'm going to do it. I'm going to leave next February and go to South America. Wow. Talking to Brian has made me realize just how much I want to go. So to anybody who's still banking on me wussing out, you can eat it Reno-style. I just spent fucking $85 on a passport, so I'm not going to let it go to waste! Buenos Aires, here I come!

So that's just about it....just keeping you updated.

Sick, man

2003-06-29 / 11:48 p.m.

I get a lot more Google hits on this page than I did on my old journal....I mentioned the "Clearance Jeans" one the other day, but I was suprised today to find three new Google hits when checking sitemeter....The first one was for "Children + Spanking + photos". Ummmmm...yeahhh....gross. The next two were from some mystery kindred spirits...one searching for "'Lemon Purse'" (great style sense!), and the other for "Ewan Jude Bed" (someone has good taste in men).

In other news, I spent a good bit of the day at the Pride Festival downtown...I'm too sleepy to write about it now, but probably tomorrow. Not as journalworthy of an experience as I thought it would be though. Ah well, whatev. I'm going to sleep.

And you can stand on the arms of the Williamsburg Bridge

2003-06-29 / 6:53 p.m.

Everyone else seems to be living life at a different level than I am lately. Falling in love, planning futures, doing interesting things--being interesting adults. Meanwhile, I live at home with my mother and I'm mired waist deep in a lonely depressing summer. Maybe I'm just down today, but it seems like the last six weeks or so have been dominated by me continuously being disappointed in myself and my actions. I need something new, something to make me happy...to kick me out of the funk I'm stuck in. I also need to stop stalling on my summer background work for WC, stop procrastinating on my Argentina stuff, stop gaining weight....but the way things have been lately, I find myself just not caring about any of it. Go figure. I have made some headway on my Argentina stuff...but not nearly nearly enough. I just want to curl up and go to sleep.

NYC, part deux

2003-06-27 / 1:51 p.m.

So speaking of....mom and I are going to New York City in a few weeks. Unfortunately, I think this is going to take the place of a weekend trip to the beach....I still really want to go to the beach though....just not alone. butanyway....NYC....I'm excited about going, even though I was just there recently. It's a cool city.

Coolest thing we've planned to do so far: Mom's got an old friend who lives there, and she got us reservations to have dinner at the New York French Culinary Institute! Doesn't that sound just like something I'd love? yay!

Not to be confused with Mountain Dew

2003-06-27 / 1:50 p.m.

Code fucking red smog alert. To me, there aren't many phrases more depressing. You can see it, smell it, the kids can't stay out longer than 20 minutes or so (school policy, or state?) it's very nasty out. I don't remember it being this bad in previous summers...but maybe that's the fault of a weakening memory. It's so sad though...and I seem to be the only one who's upset. I feel helpless and it makes me mad. Makes me want to run for office.

The rime of the happy consumer

2003-06-27 / 1:47 p.m.

Bought The Best of Soul Coughing and the soundtrack to Trainspotting at the used CD place this morning. Both make for excellent driving music, especially the latter. Also...Blockbuster is doing buy 2, get 1 on the previously viewed DVDs. My mom and I decided to get some things we hadn't seen and ended up with Catch me if you can, Moonlight Mile, and Igby goes down. Seem like harmless choices. So much for saving for New York though, eh?

All intellectual content is � Emily. Some rights are reserved.
Don't steal from Emmy. She bites.
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I have been blogging! (II)
aural love
put a little something in our lemonade and take it with us
best. party souvenir. ever.

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prolific time on hold with electric co.
best imitation of myself


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