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2003-07-11 / 1:56 p.m.

Yesterday at daycare, one of the little rugrats who is a particularly bad behavior problem pushed me to my wits end. I was kneeling down, trying to listen to what some kid was saying, and the little punk was smacking my back. I told him to stop, and he decided to wipe his ice cream covered hands on my shirt. Whatever, I ignored it until he reached inside my shirt and grabbed a hold of my bra. I'm sure my facial expression was priceless. So I'm telling him to stop as nicely as I can while still continuing what I'm doing...and he starts tugging on my bra. .... yank....yank...snap...yep, right strap snaps in two, causing me to yelp from A) surprise and B) the feeling of being snapped with an elastic strap. However, with my mad MacGuyver-esque skills, I was able to repair my undergarments with a stapler.

Argentine's Rose

2003-07-11 / 1:50 p.m.

To put it bluntly, being fat in Argentina is socially unacceptable....Argentina is now in the unenvuable position of topping the world charts for eating disorders
--Culture Shock: Argentina

I commented about this to a school aquaintance of mine (actually, a very nice spanish tutor/TA) who is a Buenos Aires native. Her advice: Smoking and drinking enough mate will make you skinny. Incedentally, a women interviewed in the book says the same. Psh. Cheers.

For Suz, Hill, and Brian

2003-07-11 / 1:46 p.m.

Yesterday on my way to work, I saw who must have been the infamous Mr. Vetromile...I was driving behind a silver civic with a "don't panic" sign in the back. I don't figure there are too many of those in Cobb co. So I pulled up beside the car, and sure enough, the driver did somewhat resemble Weird Al.....I think that was mostly because of the glasses.


2003-07-11 / 1:44 p.m.

Buuuwaaa hahahahah!
Creation Science Fair --as seen on gtpj

Spoke too soon....

2003-07-11 / 11:16 a.m.

Oops! Sorry for my wrath, Bravenet....the forum is up and running, and all the posts are back. yay.

Dammit, Janet.

2003-07-10 / 12:42 p.m.

Craptacular. When Bravenet updated its forums, they erased everything... :( all of my forum posts are gone....GONE! ::sob:: I guess that's what I get for not reading my bravenet e-mails. Oh well. You should go there post haste and post something. now. right now. Thanks.


2003-07-09 / 3:31 p.m.

We're going to update like back in the day....big long fucking chronological entry about my day. :) It'll probably wander, and lack cohesion...but it's my journal and I can write shitty entries if I want to! How you like 'dem apples?

So I got up this morning, remarkably bright-eyed and bushy tailed for 7:30 am, and got ready for my morning of business in Decatur. I needed to go to Scott for two reasons :
1. To ask a few last minute questions and submit my study abroad application to the international education office
2. To inquire what was up with my tuition bill....

See, I got the tuition bill in the mail yesterday, and was shocked to see that they had not credited my Dean's scholarship, nor HOPE, and there was a new scholarship credited that I hadn't even heard of. Bottom line is that I got a bill from school asking me to pay $13,000 for the fall semester. Obviously, this is a problem. But anyway, back to the chronological approach

So I got somewhat cute...wearing my new crazy 50's-diner-waitress-esque shirt and a pair of jean shorts--which unfortunately look a little bit skanky since I've thickened up this summer :( --and left the house. Taking care of stuff at school was a breeze. The tuition bill was a screw up because of something relating to study abroad funding....added bonus: I actually do get the mystery scholarship that I hadn't heard of before...go fig. I was able to bump my Int'lEd. appointment earlier, and was done there by 11:00. yay!

Went to borders to splurge on some books I wanted...I was hoping to get some on Argentina, but I didn't find what I was looking for. Afterwards I went to Whole Foods to look at all the crazy expensive organic stuff and eat lunch. This is where my idyllic morning takes a sinister turn (insert sinister music here).

I started up the car and started backing out of the parking spot, and it acted all funky. The battery light came on, and then it cut out. Okay...the battery must be dead. No biggie. I pushed the car back into the spot (single handedly, may I add! Thank goodness for small cars!), and got a jump from a friendly flamboyantly gay man. The car was still acting a bit weird, but I'm not used to the Sunfire's antics, so I still figured it just needed a new battery.

I took it over to evil pep-boys, but only because the battery is still under warranty there. I HATE PEP-BOYS by the way, thought I'd make sure those of you who aren�t' long time readers knew that. They're the most evil mechanics ever...but anyway, I digress...The mechanic tells me it'll be at least two and a half hours before they can even get to it. :( I walked around and killed time between Kroger, Walgreen�s, and the Thrift store for two hours. Marietta is not a pedestrian friendly place! I got the finger for crossing the street at a crosswalk with the walk sign for crying out loud. Not to mention all the honks and shouts from random jackasses...made me wish I wasn't wearing too-tight-for-my-ass-shorts....

I get back to pep-boys, wait an additional 30 minutes, and they tell me it's actually my alternator that's broken, and they can't fix it until tomorrow morning. :(

I walk home. It's about 100 degrees, and I no longer look even remotely cute, lol.

Blarg. Without further commentary, I'm going to shower. This entry is boring anyway, and walking around next to traffic all day has made be feel doubleplusfilthy. byebye!



Meh meh meh.


2003-07-07 / 10:59 a.m.

Watching Iron Chef the other night (The Caviar battle), I was overcome with desire to drop out of college and go to culinary school. Granted, this was just one of my typical caprices...I know that being a chef is a hard job...hard to get yourself known, takes a long time to be successful, expensive to attend school, bad work hours, uncomfortably warm work environment....still, I think it would totally rock to be a chef. If I ever win the lottery or inherit an absurd amount of money or something, perhaps I'll go to cooking school and open a restaurant.

110% better than a year ago

2003-07-06 / 1:08 a.m.

Happy Birthday, Amurrica! This year, the 4th of July wasn't as shitty as last year's. Yay. Ended up going to a party with Joe and Billings. It was thrown by one of Joe's gaming buddies, and was generally a good party. The atmosphere was nice, lots of interesting people (including several charismatic actors) and a nice house. The host set off some pretty awesome fireworks as far as home displays go with no serious casualties! I felt a little out of place in that I was a bit younger than the majority of the guests, but I had a good time all the same.

Aside from the party, I was introduced to two truly bizarre videogames (Super Bust-a-move and Parappa) and an incredibly strange anime (Ranma 1/2). I think it's notable that I witnessed all three of these phenomena in one evening. Bust-a-Move is a kickass game though...it�s not only fun to play (a lot like snood if you�re familiar), but also has seizure worthy graphics and incoherent Japanese-to-English translations which earn it two thumbs up. So three cheers for Joe....a good time was had by all.

Adventures in Nada

2003-07-06 / 1:08 a.m.

I got cabin fever this morning. Went wandering and ended up at SaveRite...which is not only an amusing grocery store for its low low prices, but for its wide array of goods Mexicanos. I opted to purchase a packet of mix to make Rice Water--a beverage which intrigued me since I was first introduced to it by Brian at a Mexican restaurant in Athens. Plus, it was a mere 25 cents--thumbs up to you, SaveRite. Sadly, it didn't come out too well. The instructions were in metric, so I kinda' had to estimate on the amounts of sugar and water to add, and I think I diluted it too much--it came out quite bland. Still, it occupied me for a few minutes, and I was at least satisfied that I could follow the directions despite the fact that they were in Spanish.

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Don't steal from Emmy. She bites.
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put a little something in our lemonade and take it with us
best. party souvenir. ever.

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prolific time on hold with electric co.
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