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Goodbye, July

2003-08-01 / 1:05 p.m.

Biscuits! I just had the most accident-prone 5 minutes ever. In the time it took to re-start my computer, I tripped over the cat on the stairs, fell down and dropped everything that I was carrying. In the kitchen, in the process of getting a glass of water, I broke one of our (decent) glasses, and checking on my laundry, I managed to shut the washer lid on my hand...When I took the laundry out of the washer,I realized that I had ripped a hole in my bathing suit. More terrific. Fortunately, no one was injured.

Ran into The Cheerleaders at my gym again this morning. I was in the locker room getting my bag together to leave when they were coming in. Witnessed them all line up at the scale and talk about how fat they are (which, of course, none of them were).

Renewed my Blockbuster rewards card today, though I probably shouldn't have: I don't rent many movies when I'm at school...butanyway, I got some freebies, so I rented The Quiet American and Wet Hot American Summer. I've already seen them both, but it's been awhile and they're both things I want to see again. I'll probably end up taking them to Joe's tonight, as I imagine he might enjoy them.

Not much else to say....I'm going in to work a little early to turn in my 2 weeks (though it's probably going to be a few days over two weeks until I leave) and ask them if there's any chance of me having a job between fall semester and Argentina.

Rocket bits.

2003-07-31 / 12:02 p.m.

Ahh, Thursday. You are my least favorite day of the week this summer. Fuck you, Thursday.

So what's been going on, you ask? typical summer stuff...but things have been pretty good. I forsee this being an (almost) entirely bitch-free entry, who would have thought?! Huzzah.

Tuesday night, like every tuesday for the past few weeks, I went to Joe&Beckham's apartamento to watch television. Busey was better than last week's, but couldn't rival the week before. A fun time was had, as usual.

Last night, went to HB's to see her before she goes to Boston for several weeks. EK, Bill, Michelle, Hillary, and I (and Joe for a little while) hung out and watched TV. Michelle brough over a tape of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy which I fully expected to hate, but it actually ended up being pretty funny. A team of stereotypically fruity gay men make over the lifestyle of straight man. Last night's didn't seem too difficult...They were making him over to be more sophisticated to propose to his girlfriend, but the guy was already quite good looking, fairly well put-together, and a gooey romantic, so the transition wasn't that shocking. The beginning of the show was the best though, it pretty much consisted of the gay makeover team making fun of him. But I'm rambling. The point was that it was unexpectedly ammusing to watch.

Not much else exciting to report. The highlight of the day so far was ordering more checks--exciting Lori Davis exciting even...heh, Miss you, B.


2003-07-30 / 1:23 p.m.

I move back to school on August the 21st. It's a Thursday. That's what? 22 days away? Wow.

It isn't all about what you want.

2003-07-28 / 11:14 p.m.

I want to go to the symphony. The ASO webpage doesn't seem to have a functioning schedule

I finally saw The Big Lebowski at the apartment of Joe. Great movie.

This morning I ran into the gaggle of high school cheerleaders at the gym again. Thankfully, they were on their way in as I was on my way out. phew!

I discovered this morning that obtaining my visa will probably be a colossial pain in the ass

I cooked dinner tonight...salmon, spinach, and garlic butter rice. It was excellent, though I ate woefully too much. Mom and I finished off the bottle of fat bastard after dinner (shame on us...red wine with fish).

Napped for awhile today, and had strrrrraaaaannnnge dreams of which I remember little.... Recieving dead flowers, chasing a deer, something happened in a museum...I don't remember

How's that for fragmented. I don't have much to say....sorry. Home life is slow. Work is uninteresting to write about (unless you like stories about kids...and if you do, you probably suck anyway).

Parenting 101

2003-07-27 / 4:03 p.m.

Thursday afternoon, I asked my mother to take me to the liquor store to buy some girlie alcohol for Hillary�s party (since Hillary and I are both woefully underage). On the way there, we discussed her friend�s drug habits from the 1970�s and how her friend was very successful in losing weight through her "cocaine years". Various other illegal substances were discussed. She briefly reminisced about the parties they threw in their apartment together and the debauchery which occurred. Then we were talking about my susceptibility to being carded. I mentioned being carded once going to Inserection with Hillary, and being embarrassed that I had to stand outside while I dug around in my purse to find my license....and she freaked out�couldn�t believe that Hillary and I went to the porn store. Of all the things to flip out about in this oh-so-functional conversation, she picks the one thing that is actually legal. Go figure.

Duck Feet.

2003-07-27 / 2:32 p.m.

I believe I move back into school on the 21st (a Thursday). I suggest that a dim sum outing be planned shortly after...It's been ages.

Holy shit.

2003-07-26 / 5:58 p.m.

Etch-a-sketch art gallery.

Just when I was enjoying praise of my etch-a-sketch skills, I see these. Fuck fuck fuck.

All intellectual content is � Emily. Some rights are reserved.
Don't steal from Emmy. She bites.
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