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2003-08-23 / 2:10 p.m.

So I'm all moved in now, and I've met "the roommate". And you know what? She doesn't suck at all. Three cheers. I'll for sure write more about her later.

No. I wanted a Big Wheel and instead I got a Sit N Spin. If that�s not a metaphor for my 70�s then I don�t know what is.--Weetabix Good entry today. Also includes the word "Manscaped" bonus points.


2003-08-21 / 10:31 p.m.

I feel all warm and fuzzy inside from all the people who asked me about whether I got into the study abroad program today...Surprised and pleased that so many people remembered that I was hoping to get it today. Unfortunately, it has not come. I plan on contacting the program in the morning via e-mail or telephone.

Looks like she made it

2003-08-21 / 9:00 p.m.

I'm in the WC now, as it's one of the places where the computers are apparently worm-free and connected to the network.

I don't really have anything to say, I'm just putting off going back up to my room and getting started on my background reading...you know, they stuff I've had THREE FUCKING months to do, and haven't done. Though I've gotta say, I'm a bit more motivated...looking at the shelf where the tutor's mailboxes/storage/shelves are, I've noticed that I have my very own mailbox-cubby-thing...with my name on the front and a clipboard and everything. he he! I'm a tutor! Who woulda thought?!

Pat on the back

2003-08-21 / 7:11 p.m.

Priceton Review gave "The College" an 95/100 academic rating. Not bad at all.

You make me feel like I am home again

2003-08-21 / 6:48 p.m.

So I'm all moved in, unpacked, and somewhat setteled in the new room. It's divine....just like our room last year, but with lovely large windowsills and on the other side of the building. My new roommate apparently gets here tomorrow...I'm interested to meet her.

Moving in was uneventful, Michelle wasn't able to help, so I ended up renting a huge cargo van and moving everything in it.

The big bummer coming to campus today is that I can't get onto the campus network and use the T1 yet....ITS is checking everyone's computer for one of those worms before they're allowing access to the network. I called today, but I missed the office hours, so I hope I can get an appointment tomorrow. So, for now, dialup will have to do.

That's about the size of it. Right now, I'm headed for the shower, then a quick jaunt to the store, then coming back here to try to catch up on some of my summer background reading for WC. :( If you want my new telephone number, e-mail me.


2003-08-21 / 8:40 a.m.

Well kids, this is my last entry from home. I'm about to pack up the computer and get this whole moving out thing wrapped up. I wish I had something interesting to write, but I don't. I'm off to Sally Beauty to exchange some hair dye for a better color, pack up some more stuff, shower, and hopefully it'll be time to go by then. So, uh, adios.

send it to Zoom!!!

2003-08-20 / 10:49 p.m.

Awesome Joe and Beckham have changed my gehennom address to something more neutral....I've felt like a fucktart using "princess" for more professional contacts anyway....so now I'm [email protected]. I would like to use my gehennom address more often, and eventually phase out my hotmail account entirely....it's 99% junkmail at this point, and it doesn't work half the time. Those of you who are my friends in real life can continue using my school e-mail, but for everything else, I'm going to start using emmy@gehennom, so, uh, stop sending stuff to hotmail if you ever do (I don't think anyone does anymore)

Whine whine whine

2003-08-20 / 9:44 p.m.

For some reason, I've been depressed all evening. I don't know why....I don't think I'm sad to be leaving at all, but I feel very hollow and hopeless and dissapointed tonight. I wish I knew what I needed to make myself feel better, but I don't. I also wish I could feel better by going and crying to my mother, but that doesn't work anymore. I don't feel very close to her at all after this summer...even when we fought it was better than this. The current situation is pretty much just apathy toward one another; we barely speak at all, and when we do, it's just hello's and goodbye's. So now I'm just sitting in front of the computer killing time until I go to sleep. Blah. What the fuck is wrong with me?

Baby I'm ready to go

2003-08-20 / 11:17 a.m.

Got an e-mail from the study abroad people this morning reminding me that they've been sending all mail to my school address since last Friday. This means my acceptance/rejection is probably sitting in box 639 as we speak. I'm thiiiiisssss close to driving down there to look, but I think I can wait another 28 or so hours to know. Perhaps I�ll write her and ask....I�ll decide when I finish this entry.

Busey was excellent last night...high quality. My favorite? "You're like a frog in a bowl of rice trying to have a manage a trois wearing a helmet".

Getting anxious about the new roommate, but also a little optimistic...I keep thinking about how cool it would be if we got along really well. Of course, she's probably loud and mean and will hate me...but we'll see. I don't ask for much...I really just want someone quiet. They kind of chick that doesn't mind listening to her music on headphones, and going into the hall to talk on the phone. Other than that, I fancy myself a pretty easy-going person to live with...I just need quiet when I'm trying to concentrate on something. Ideally, she'll be quiet when I'm busy, and provide entertaining and sparkling conversation when I'm not--but I think that's a little overboard on the optimism :)

Well, that�s about it. I�m off now to finish packing up. In 12 hours and 27 minutes, Michelle will be here with her van, and I�ll load up to move back to school. I�m trying to think of things I still want/need to do while I�m at home, but I�m failing. Truthfully, I don�t think that this last 12 hours can pass quickly enough :) I�m ready, I�m definitely ready.

Who's your uncle?

2003-08-19 / 9:11 a.m.

Good Uncle Bob today. A bit sick, but funny.

El mundo es un pa�uelo

2003-08-18 / 11:01 p.m.

This reading for work should have been done a long time ago. I keep trying to do it, but I get distracted...I really REALLY hope this isn't indicative of how my study habits will be in the coming semester. I'm honestly worried....uggg....pre-fall-jitters I suppose. It's probably just because the subject matter isn't really that thrilling. I feel lazy though. Tomorrow, I WILL get more of this done.

Speaking of jitters...I've just felt absolutely crazy all evening. Like a little on edge. You ever have the feeling that something's worrying you, but you don't know what? Yeah...one of those. I've got this nameless, faceless, and probably non-existant problem causing me anxiety. Sometimes, I swear I must be insane. Thankfully, this is only minor insanity, and I'm not really that troubled.

I started packing in earnest today...and now there's crap ALL OVER my floor. The path system has been shattered; if perchance I should get up in the middle of the night, I will almost certainly be injured.

Busy Lady!

2003-08-18 / 4:44 p.m.

This morning, I met HVB halfway between here and there, and she and I hung out most of the morning until she had class.

We bought a lot of crap between the two of us...on my end, I got good deals on a new makeup mirror, and a backpack that isn't insanely huge. I also bought a little hammer with screwdrivers inside the handle (should come in handy), a few plates to use at school, and various boring things at CVS.

H and I went to lunch at the den of gluttony: Jade Palace. While the food is fair to good in the greater scheme of Cheap Chinese Buffet, it wins points for the made-to-order Mongolian BBQ, and double points for their desserts. I still maintain that next time I go there, I will do takeout, and just get a bunch of honeytoast and coconut jello. A whole takeout box full (plus some vanilla ice cream) could please the masses for a low low price.

Now, I'm just taking a second to breathe before I venture into the attic to try and retrive some of my school stuff. Bah. It's such a fucking mess up there, I'm dreading trying to find my pocket of junk. Aye de mi.

All intellectual content is � Emily. Some rights are reserved.
Don't steal from Emmy. She bites.
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