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2003-08-30 / 9:18 p.m.

A couple of days ago, I was sitting at that stupid intersection at the railroad tracks. I was grooving out to whatever CD I had in when I heard a *thunk* against the passenger side of my car. I looked over, and a bicyclist had fallen against my car. Hillary once witnessed a car hitting a man on a bike, but I've never seen a car being hit by a bicycle.


2003-08-29 / 2:05 p.m.

Oh my. I did it. I got in. I'm going to Argentina. Was there any doubt? Just a little...still, after getting the call, it all suddenly seems 100,000 times more real. I'm excited, but very scared...right now, I'm feeling a little overwhelmed about what to do next. The consulate? Yeah...they still didn't get back to me. I'm going to see Dr. Lund as soon as my tutoring hours are over. Wow. Me, in Argentina, in less than six months. Wow.

I'm going to Argentina.




2003-08-28 / 12:12 p.m.

Woah. Checked the schedule on my way into the WC today, and I have an appointment! I hope I don't screw up.

In other news, I had my first History of the Modern Middle East class today. Hoooolllyyy crap. The visiting professor seems like she's going to be very hard, but insanely awesome. I have tremendous respect for her already. She's a prof at Georgetown on a one year fellowship here and seems really bright, though more than a little severe. Her introductory lecture was effective and concise, and she seemed very upfront about, well, everything. So far, this class gets the seal of approval, even though I'm sure now it won't be as easy as I was hoping for.


2003-08-27 / 9:18 p.m.

So today was my first day of class. Exciting...Lori Davis exciting--well, not really. Like Lori's haircare products, my day contained no alcohol

Spanish wasn't nearly as scary as I thought it would be. Even after a semester and a summer off, I found that I had no trouble understanding what was going on, and I wasn't the worst speaker in class. Bad? yes--but certainly not the worst. And, though I have heard so many scary things about the professor, nothing tragic has happened yet...so life was pretty good.

Globalization? A little scarier. There were some people I expected to be taking the class that aren't...I'm a little dissapointed that I don't know a lot of the people very well or at all--discussion based classes, and ones with group presentations are always better when there are people who you know and like. Still, maybe I'll get to know some of the junior majors better. We're reading a lot of books that seem really interesting, and everyone is assigned to one of them to do a reaction paper and class presentation in a small group. I ended up with this book. From skimming through it, it seems a little dense, but not unreadable. I'm almost sorry I didn't end up doing my paper on The Lexus and the Olive Tree, becase, while it's the first one due, that book is turning out to be a pretty easy read so far.

Natural Born Leader

2003-08-27 / 7:18 p.m.

During WC training, we took a simplified version of the Myers-Briggs test and talked about different kinds of students and whatever...so anyway, I've been typed as an ENTJ, which to me suggests only one thing: These test must be crap.

ENTJs are decisive. They see what needs to be done, and frequently assign roles to their fellows. Few other types can equal their ability to remain resolute in conflict, sending the valiant (and often leading the charge) into the mouth of hell. When challenged, the ENTJ may by reflex become argumentative. Alternatively (s)he may unleash an icy gaze that serves notice: the ENTJ is not one to be trifled with.

--from this description by ::snicker:: Joe Butt
Buuuwaaaahhahah ha ha ha ha ha. Is it just me, or does that not sound the slightest bit like me? Perhaps I took the test incorrectly. lol


2003-08-27 / 3:55 p.m.

The latest Moral Minority thread deserves points just for using the phrase "You Ah"


2003-08-27 / 10:22 a.m.

Yesterday, at the WC pottery thing, two of my co-workers told me that they found me to be witty. This made me smile.


2003-08-27 / 9:51 a.m.

Huzzah! Our network is back up!! Now all I have to do it wait to get an ITS appointment so I can hook my computer up. It's still inconventient, but it's progress, no?

Work training finished up yesterday, and I'm excited to start my job. I'm a little scared to hold my first tutoring session, but I think I'll be okay. Orientation was actually not bad at all--interesting and moderately fun. Yesterday after we finished, we went to one of those paint-your-own-pottery places in the square and all painted mugs. :) I feel like I'm in the WC clique now. lol

Also as a result of finishing work training, I've got my weekly schedule created--seems pretty nice so far.

My class time is:
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 11:00-12:00
Monday and Wednesday 1:00-2:45
Tuesday and Thursday 11:00-12:15 and 3:30-4:45.

My tutoring hours are:
Tuesday 12:45-2:15
Wednesday10:00-11:00 and 7:15-9:45(pm)

(plus 3 or 4 self-scheduled hours)

I tried to make a nice little table for my schedule, but I found it to be obnoxiously large and annoying and gave up--go fig.

I called study abroad folk yesterday, but ended up playing phone tag with them. Hopefully, I'll be in when they call today.

Ran home yesterday. Picked up some stuff I left there--clothes, bicycle, shoes, cheap headphones. Still have not successfully found a poster I like for the spot over my bed (the wall Moulin Rouge was on last year). Re-potted my little rosebush--I hope it lives awhile, but at least now I have a reusable pot to put something else in when it does die.

Even though it was a school night, I couldn't justify coming all the way back to campus from home on a Tuesday night without stopping in to see Joe. Joe, Beckham, and myself watched Busey (because that's what you do on Tuesday night (incedentally, not such a great episode, but who cares?)). Then we played Super Smash Brothers for a disturbingly long amount of time. I think I'm getting better; which pleases me, but probably shouldn't. :)

So that's about it. I'm going to sit and meditate or something to calm myself down before my first spanish class. I'm terrified! Ay de mi.

blah blah blah

2003-08-25 / 1:32 p.m.

So I got my registration finished up...life is good. I ended up dropping intro econ, and I'll end up taking (superior) macro my senior year. Therefore, my courseload is very reasonable, I don't have anything before 11:00 any day, and all I have on Friday is Spanish and Flute Choir. Once I get my WC hours, I'll put my schedule proper up.

Little else interesting has happened. So far, I've yet to get a return call from ITS about hooking up my computer, but it doesn't matter anyway--the network isn't connected in any of the residence halls, so fuckit.

I've made a number of calls today, actually. I called the athletic department to complain about gym hours--the ones listed in the handbook are shittier than usual, but I have the suspicion they might be changed once they can hire some cheap student labor. They'd better...we all know I suck at adapting to change, and not being able to work out in the morning will throw my whole schedule off.

Still trying to decide if I want to go home tonight. I don't have any real reason to put the miles on my car...but there's some crap I want, so we'll see, I dunno. Went to the bookstore...decided to go ahead and buy what they had in used...I can always take them back when/if I find them cheaper online ::groan:: The damage was pretty bad, but it could have been much worse. My POL class is reading No Logo and The Lexus and the Olive Tree (among other things), and I've heard good things about both of those, so perhaps that's the silver lining in having six required texts for the class. :(

e-mail, schmeemail

2003-08-24 / 10:48 a.m.

Our campus e-mail is completely fucked, so if you want to contact me use my gehennom account, please.

Up to speed.

2003-08-23 / 5:35 p.m.

Friday was a good day, despite not getting much sleep. I spent the better part of the morning reading for work, then went to Cumberland to meet my mother, and use my $15 Express coupon. I got some useful stuff that I had left at home from my mother, but unfortunately left my bag from Express in her car. woe. :(

I didn't see any sense in going right back to campus...I didn't want to get in the way of my new roommie as she was moving in, so I took advantage of my free time and went to hang out with Joe and Beckham. Television was viewed, and Super Smash Bros. was played. (Rob had come over by this point as well). I've found that I enjoy SSB a lot, and hope I'm at least improving a little at it...I get soundly beaten every time, but it's still enjoyable

After I got back and ate dinner (dining hall, I missed you so much!) I finally met Julia (The Roomie) and, as I've said before, she does not suck. It seems she and I both have pretty normal expectations for living conditions, and I think we'll mesh well. Perhaps she'll provide some interesting stories. The biggest strike against her so far is that she's friends with a girl here who I find somewhat annoying--nice, means well, but annoying. I can't hold that against J though...afterall, they went to highschool together.

I cleaned myself up a bit, arranged my hair in the juvenile pigtail buns, and headed off to see HVB. Her apartment was being used to host a going-away party for the older sister of crazy sarahashley from G-state. No, I wasn't really invited but keeping the hostess company is a perfectly fine justification for getting off campus, so there! :p Despite the inevitable teasing from Beckham/Joe, Hillary and I found someone to purchase girly drinks for us. We also had a couple of Mudslides that were pretty tasty for ones that came from a pre-made mix.

Got up at about 11:30, came home, and read for WC. Went to the farmer's market with Will a little while later...I think he liked it, but seriously, how could you not love it?! I bought a small pot of miniature roses there to put on the windowsill...I hope I don't kill them. Now I'm off to read a little more of So-and-So's guide to being a non-shitty writing tutor. Ciao!

All intellectual content is � Emily. Some rights are reserved.
Don't steal from Emmy. She bites.
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