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World's smallest violin

2003-09-25 / 2:00 p.m.

Other than the discovery that there's a new thread started in my forum, nothing even remotely good has happened today.

I think I am disliked by a small camp of my co-workers. I totally got busted today by scary-middle east-professor for not doing my reading--then she gave a reading quiz out of being pissed off about me (and many others) not having read (which, of course, I failed). The dryer ate $0.50 before alerting me that it wasn't going to dry on permanent press. I'm behind in class. I discovered that I've gained yet more weight. There's a problem with my payroll forms that could result in me having to wait ANOTHER 2 weeks for my paycheck if it doesn't get sorted out today. and my journal is boring because I spend too much time complaining about things that go wrong on Thursdays. Fuck fuck fuck.

Complete Failure!

2003-09-24 / 9:29 a.m.

I quit fencing club this morning. Everyone is going to hate me.


2003-09-23 / 6:47 p.m.

Hillary and I were discussing the possibility of having a HAPPY-BIRTHDAY-HILLARY/Halloween party...she says that someone coughcoughEKcough apparently isn't super excited on the halloween aspect of it. This dissapoints me, I haven't dressed up for halloween in like, three years, so I want to....so, everyone harass her and tell her that I'm right, and it would be fun. :) I mean come on, dressing up retardedly can only make things MORE fun.

In other news, H and I were discussing egg donation. I don't think I could ever do it myself, but fuck if that isn't a fuckton of money.

ITS is apparently going to try to fix the shitty connection problems tomorrow. We'll see how that goes...cross your fingers.


2003-09-23 / 2:52 p.m.

money money money. I'm about to be in crazy debt. Everything about this trip to Argentina is incredibly expensive. So is life in general. So is having fun. Where are these best-things-in-life that are suposed to be free? Craptacular.

lamentable day

2003-09-21 / 9:47 a.m.

::sigh:: I'm going to class in a few minutes, and I'm not wearing flip-flops. Those of you who know me, and see me on a day-to-day basis know how strange this is. Fall is truly coming. I also mourn the gradual retirement of my leather sandals for the year...and possibly forever, because they're starting to fall apart. They were cool sandals too, I recieved many compliments. :( Woe woe woe.


2003-09-21 / 9:12 a.m.

Three guesses as to who fucking loves having her own room.

Monday, monday

2003-09-22 / 8:41 a.m.

Time is getting away from me...it's almost 9:00 and I'm not ready for the day yet...this morning's coffee/news/e-mail/diary-reading time has stretched out too long. This entry will undoubtedly suffer...

So it's not a bad morning for a Monday. Thanks to some late night paper-writing antics post Hillary&EmilyExtravaganza (what clever names I come up with!) It didn't take me long to finish a draft of my middle east paper yesterday, so I'm not too terribly stressed about it. I'll finish it today between class and dinner, and I guess I'll polish it up and print it before class tomorrow (when it's due). It's another one of those things where I think I've done about as good as I can--I just don't think it will be good enough. We'll see, and if I get a shitty grade on it, I'll just surrender and take it pass/fail (poop on you, Brian).

So I already wrote about Friday (which was superfun). Saturday, I spent the day existing with Hillary. We went home, where I obtained some fall clothes (which are slightly too big for me) and an ass-load of pillows to put on the bed formerly known as Julia�s to make it into some form of seating. After home, we embarked on a day of consumerism. My mother agreed to sponsor some clothes shopping, but I unfortunately STILL didn�t find any suitable jeans. Purchases for the day include: bag of potpourri, some non-descript � shirts from Lerner, a black � cardigan from Learner (both excellent deals), a clearanced tank top from Old Navy to go under said cardigan, gas + QT smoothie, and�the bargain of the century�some boots at Payless for 5$--and they�re terrific. While at the mall in mayretta, we were highly amused at some of the shirts we saw, thus inspiring us to make t-shirts next weekend, so stay tuned for H&E extravaganza part II I guess. J

After shopping, which was pretty tiring, we went back to La Quinta, made dinner, and watched trading spaces while consuming various girlydrinks that Bruce bought for Hillary before he returned to Boston.

I left pretty early, because I was feeling kind of tired�but when I got home, I couldn�t sleep. I don�t know what it was, but I was awake, depressed, and not able to relax. I ended up going to the wc and working on my paper until about 4:00 (!!!).

Ug. It�s 9:00 now. Homework/shower/reading/class calls. Unnnggggg. Mondays aren�t so bad on their own, but it�s the dreading of all the rest of the week that makes them tend to suck. I hope this week is less shitty than I think it�s going to be.

Lost in Translation

2003-09-20 / 12:01 p.m.

It's only been out for a couple of days, and it seems that everyone already saw Lost in Translation! I am filled with woe. The fact that everyone I talk to seems to feel differently about it (and widely so) makes me even more curious. I wish I wasn't so busy this week...perhaps I'll cut off campus Tuesday night and see it. Should I? Probably not...I'm broke and should be doing homework....but I might go anyway. Actually, things should be looking up stresswise by Tuesday, let's hope at least. Now, it's off to work more on this paper.

Friday, baby.

2003-09-20 / 9:49 a.m.

I need a reading break. After an hour of this book, my eyes are tearing up involuntarily. :(

Holy shit. It has been a stressful week. All my attention focused on one class (with the aforementioned book) caused me to be a little careless about watching the syllabus for my Middle East Class, so I'm a little behind. Still, I think if I read another good chunk of this book this morning, and write my Middle East paper tomorrow, I should be golden for next week. I wonder how much of a break I owe myself though; since I had a great time last night, and pretty much blew off academic responsibilities from 5:00 p.m. onward....

I went over to Casa Jose as soon as Friday rush-hour had subsided. Instead of going out to eat, we stayed in and made Chinese dumplings. They were way less hard to make than I anticipated (I sense that I will be trying to make them again in the not-too-distant future) and they were very tasty. The recipe Joe obtained had nice, fatty ground up pork, sesame oil, garlic, scallions, rice vinegar and salt--I think that's it--but the whole dumpling process seems like one which it would be fun, and perhaps quite tasty to invent your own fillings. We only ran into a couple of minor problems. First, some of them fell apart in the pot, but I chalk this up to my inexperience at sealing them. Secondly, when we tried our hand at pan-frying a few, we started them on a little too much heat�but they were still delightful. I was glad I learned to make them, because it was something I had wanted to do for awhile.

After dinner, Beckham came home after what sounded like a terrifically shitty day, and all three of us watched the first disc of Family Guy season three. Oh, how I wish I had money�all these DVDs of cult-followed cartoon shows are awesome. I think that in a few pay periods, I�m going to splurge on one�perhaps Futurama, because no one else in my cartoon-watching-clique (read: Hillary Joe & Beckham) has that one yet.

Okay, break over.

All intellectual content is � Emily. Some rights are reserved.
Don't steal from Emmy. She bites.
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