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Dr. Grip again

2003-10-09 / 4:53 p.m.

I was out running an errand in the northlake area today, and stopped by the mall doublequick to look for something. I'm sure you won't be surprised to learn that I got sidetracked and shopped around for a good half hour (I didn't find what I was looking for at an acceptable price either). So yeah, I bought a dress at Old Navy which I had been looking for in my size for ages for a grand total of $3.50. I also found a dress at Lerner that ended up being $7.00 after discounts. Granted, that's pretty pricey as compared to the old navy one...but it's pretty and versatile. Unfortunately, the amount of semi-dressy stuff that I have but have never worn is quickly rising. I currently have two skirts in the closet--each worn once, and now three semi-casual dresses with the tags still on. For someone who hates shopping, I have an incredibly weakness for good bargains.

And ug. The Dr. Grip saga. While I was out, I decided to buy a new one...but it turns out that "Dr. Grip Ltd." has completely different ink and point than "Dr. Grip." So, okay, the one I got is different....but it's still really awesome; however, this means that all the refills I already have are useless, and I've never seen the kind of refills that "Dr. Grip ltd" needs. >:( most. boring. entry. ever.

dawn zone

2003-10-09 / 8:25 a.m.

Went to bed morose and sullen last night, and had very strange dreams. I don't remember what happened really, but I remeber that the backdrop seemed very much in the style of an El Greco painting--though no painting in particular.

This morning, the track coach advised me to try out for cross country next year. I guess it probably shouldn't have felt quiteas bizarre as it did, seeing that I'm not in terrible shape anymore...but it was still very weird. I mean, we're talking about a girl that barely made it into the "B" range for power walking in PE.

I've got nothing. I'm going to finish my homework now. Ciao.

it's what's for dinner

2003-10-08 / 5:22 p.m.

Philosophy 112, approaching a justification for eating babies, one step at a time....

"In this respect, indeed, fetuses would seem to be well below the level of, say, cattle--whose meat most of us are quite ready to eat without a twinge of conscience"

--Jan Narveson, Moral Matters

Dr. Loss

2003-10-08 / 9:19 a.m.

Yesterday was a looooong day. I was dead by 7:00, and I only went to one of my classes yesterday, so I'm not exactly sure why...I don't know why Tuesdays are ALWAYS this taxing. Thursdays aren't great either, but Tuesdays are the worst. So anyway, the boy came by about 7:30, but I don't think I was much fun--all I wanted to do was sit/lie and stare blankly, and this feeling soon became a deep desire to sleep.

So we did what anyone who wants to turn off their brain does: watch television.

TLC was playing it's prime time block of weirdness, so we watched one of those people-do-the-dumbest-shit shows, a program on urban legends, and then an amazing-and-disgusting-medical-problems shows. Dude...this woman with a profound fear of doctors and hospitals had a mysterious internal growth, but she just kept ignoring it until it was so huge that it had become a disability. She finally went to be operated on...turns out that it's a benign ovarian tumor that weighs 156 pounds. Holy shit. Honestly, think about how heavy that is. That's a small person worth of weight.

Joe also brought over "Emily Mix 5", which is terrific. It's made me (just for the time being) one of those girls that carries her discman around with her. Ha ha. As if I couldn't be any more anti-social, I've now started walking around with headphones on.

Yesterday at work, one of my tutees walked off with Dr. Grip. :( I loved Dr. Grip...Last time I was with him, we were writing comments on a paper about Trujillo...and now ::sob:: he's....he's....::gasp:: gone!

button maker

2003-10-07 / 2:18 p.m.

The Suzanne and I talked many times about how unbelieveably cool it would be to buy a button maker. Killing some time before my tutee showed up, (she never did) I shopped around on the internet a bit, and was surprised at how cheap they were. Granted, nice ones run upward for $50, but I found several marketed toward children in the $20 range.

woah! and e-bay? Awesome. If I had money now, I would totally bid on one of these. There are several new ones that seem like pretty high quality...but now is not the time to be buying things. Now is the time for work. Ciao.

Fall break correction

2003-10-07 / 10:40 a.m.

I'm retarded. I don't have Wednesday of next week off...just Thursday and Friday. Doesn't matter anyway.

Simple things...like my brain

2003-10-07 / 8:36 a.m.

Unnnggg. I shouldn't be writing now, I seriously should be doing other more important things. I've got a ton of crap to do...I'm sitting right next to today's list and, swear, from 10:00 to 7:00 I've got things booked back to back to back to back. It's good for me though-- I need to keep busy. So why the hell am I fucking around in the WC writing an entry about nothing? Heh. Overwhelming apathy about school I guess.

This weekend was nice. Friday I went to Jr. Production�.it had its moments, but wasn�t that funny. Saturday I slept. Wrote a paper. Slept more. Joe drove down here, and we went to El Myr. Mmmmmmm. I heart the El Myr. He also came bearing the latest volume of the �Emily Mix� (number 4! Double yay!). Terrific, I�m listening to it right now, actually. Currently, listening to the Stereolab track he included. It�s very long; I think I�ve been listening to it almost the whole time I�ve been writing. :p

So life? I guess it's okay...kind of dull. I'm having trouble appreciating little simple things lately, making me prone to getting caught up in stupid little things (the kind one doesn't appreciate). I used to be so good at finding positives in life, what the fuck happened to me?

The walk-in hours for career planning could not be more inconvenient.


2003-10-06 / 8:01 a.m.

There's an update coming soon...I was going to write this morning, but I've got to read some fables writen in archaic spanish instead. ... .. . ..yay.

All intellectual content is � Emily. Some rights are reserved.
Don't steal from Emmy. She bites.
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