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Oh no!

2003-10-17 / 8:12 a.m.

Ew. Yesterday, someone in Italy apparently came across this page searching "sex with animal". ha ha ha ha.


2003-10-17 / 8:06 a.m.

Cripes. What good are you tech people if you can't even tell me what laptop to buy?! :) I've decided that I want to buy one soon...In the event that I do NaNoWriMo--which is growing in it's appeal--it would be kickass to have one. Plus, we've now determined that it can also serve as my mother's computer when I return from Argentina, as her's is a giant piece of crap.

Going to do some laundry now, as I didn't get it done at home ::grumble::. It's funny...for all the clothes I own, so much is dirty that I'm walking around in cheerleading shorts and a bandcamp tee shirt. I'm freezing. (Weather underground tells me that it's 43 degrees outside).

fall break

2003-10-15 / 6:41 p.m.

Wow. It is so quiet here. With the library closed, and no one in the center, it's strange. It's usually absolutely buzzing down here this time of night, but now all that can be heard is the buzzing of the computers and the train coming. I wonder why the people who signed up want to come in on the first night of fall break. The feeling is more lonely than I thought it would be...but I'm not complaining, it's still better than home.

Not going anywhere

2003-10-15 / 4:32 p.m.

Ahhh, the day is mine. Due to some bizarre paperwork processing error, I'm cleared to stay on campus over break. Serendipitous. Last week, I turned in (what was essentially) a glorified bitching rant to the housing office when I heard that they were evicting us earlier than originally stated. I guess they didn't read it, because they just put me on the list of people approved to stay on campus. Go figure. I think Res. Life has been a little stretched thin, and probably just allowed everyone who wanted to stay to stay. So now I don't have to worry about where I'm sleeping, what clothes I have to take, where I can go jogging, how I can research for my various projects (the internet at home is fucked, and my mother is too lazy/technologically confused to fix it)...My usual routine is saved. Yay. I'm still going to pop home Thursday morning I think, and spend the day in casa doing laundry, but I'll retreat back inside the perimeter as soon as H and I finish our trip to Town center. So yeah. Gilbert, we're not goin' anywhere, ya know. We're not goin' anywhere.

I know where Yemen is, do you?

2003-10-14 / 1:34 p.m.

*dances* Finished my midterm!! yaaaay. GRanted, it could have gone better, but I definitely did well enough to get the just-above-passing grade I needed. My big issue was time. The questions were divided so that I was really familiar with one in each of the categories, but unfortunately, I ran low on time and did a pretty sloppy job of answering the second. The first answer is B quality...the second: probably D. Though, on a bittersweet note, my watch wasn't correct...so while I rushed a lot on the last answer, I had a few more minutes than I though, enabling me to answer the bonus--labeling the map of Middle East/North Africa. She's going to be pissed that I rushed through my essay, and still had time for the bonus (she said this explicitly at the beginning of class--whoops). Also, I was kinda' smug about the map...maximum credit for bonus was identifying 6 countries, but I couldn't resist the urge to name them all! hahaha. I'm just so proud of my new mad middle east map skills. (say that three times fast). Moral: I suck at time management, and I'm going to get the smackdown from my professor.

I'm wearing my "I saved the Princess" shirt today, it's terrific. Sadly, only one or two geeky souls commented on it.

Trying to come up with an idea for NaNoWriMo, as I think it would be an amusing endeavor; however, I don't imagine I'll come up with anything good, and I doubt I should really spend any serious time writing a novel (that will undoubtedly be shitty if I even finish it) when I could be studying....still, I can't deny that it sounds super fun, and if I come up with an idea in the next couple of weeks, I might do it.

Psh. I'm done with my midterm. Finally. Fuck. I'm pretending like I don't have anything else to do. Fall break has already started. Gah, that's so terrible. I have SOOO MUCH I need to be working on. Three out of my four classes have a huge end-of-semester project...I have not started on any of them. I've got many, many pages of No Logo to read, and a write up to do on it as well. Bah. Who gives a fuck. I'm going to go wallow in my relief at being done with that fucking midterm...and to massage the writer's cramp out of my hand.

going nowhere

2003-10-13 / 9:32 p.m.

I drove around campus the other day to measure the distance of the perimeter. I've now concluded that I'm running about three miles a day. I'm completely flummoxed on how I managed to gain weight running 12 miles a week. This is quite discouraging. Hey, and here's a question....4 laps around a standard track is a mile, no? Is that measured around the inside of the track? The outside?


2003-10-13 / 9:23 p.m.

I've been studying for this fucking midterm enough enough enough enough. When I finish this entry, I'm going to print out the latest draft of my notes, go over them a few times, and GO TO SLEEP. I can get a little more review in during the 11th hour: a plus for getting up mega-early. I am proud of myself for the progress I've made with identifying places on a Middle East and North Africa map--She's strongly hinted that this will be a bonus on the midterm. you try I got 20 right before I missed one...and I think that's pretty good! :) Of course, it'll be harder without the names of the countries in front of me. For the first time in my life, I'm only hoping for a C...this is the class I'm taking pass fail, so I think a C will give me adequate peace of mind for passing the class.

picture imperfect

2003-10-12 / 2:11 p.m.

meh...and if you're interested, I finally re-sized some of my older pictures and uploaded them. There are a few from my trip to NY last summer, a handful from EK & HVB's housewarming party, and some misc stuff. Anyway, if you want to look at those, they're here


2003-10-12 / 1:07 p.m.

Kind of glum lately, for several reasons--clear ones, and also some I'm not even sure of...School and midterms and projects are stressing me out, I�m worried about my mother, Argentina is looming over everything, and this week has been the worst setback in losing weight this semester (I'm back up again, having destroyed all my progress since returning to school). In addition, this afternoon's dining hall coffee is vile--there are grounds in my cup. Unacceptable. Seeing the positive lately has been piteously hard, though there have been some bright spots. I'll write about these for your sake, as no one really enjoys reading the entries where all I do is bitch.

So near the end of last week, must have been Thursday or Friday, there was a group of middle aged Japanese men around campus. I don't know what they were doing, or who they were, but there was a group of eight or nine walking around in business attire. I walked out of the library in the afternoon, and the lot of them were sitting outside smoking...this wouldn't have been anything out of the ordinary if they had not chosen one of the very clique-ish smoking areas. On and around one bench were the Japanese men...the other bench was occupied by it's regulars: the radical fem, pierced, punky-looking smokers. The contrast was incredibly fun to look at. I sat down across the walkway on another bench and checked what else was on my planner for the weekend. Just before I got up to leave, one of the Japanese men seemed to be having problems with his lighter, and one of the regulars--a girl with bleached spiky hair and several facial piercings offered him a light. I don't think that the intrinsic humor of the situation was lost on either of them. What a beautifully global world we live in.

Next week will be busy, but short. Really, the only huge issue is the midterm I�ve got on Tuesday�which is very scary, but will be over soon enough. I leave for fall break Thursday morning�so I figure I�ll follow my usual Wednesday night routine, go to work, go to bed at a reasonable hour, get up and exercise in the morning�then I�ve got some stuff downtown I should take care of, but after that: I�m free for the rest of the week/weekend. The world is my oyster�. though I�m not really that fond of oysters.

Who knows about computers? I�m trying to find a cheap laptop to buy for Argentina. These both seem appealing�thinkpad T21 and thinkpad T20. Any input whatsoever is appreciated. I figured I�d ask anyone that would listen before I bought anything.

That�s about it. I should go work some more�.and take a shower, I feel gross.

All intellectual content is � Emily. Some rights are reserved.
Don't steal from Emmy. She bites.
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