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I've never heard the word "fuck" that many times in one night

2003-10-25 / 12:30 p.m.

So Thursday I went to see Lewis Black and Dave Attell at the Tabernacle with Joe, Mike B, Michelle, and R. Adam Moore "Radamore". Nice to see Mike again. Nice to exchange more than four words between classes with Michelle. Nice to get to know Adam properly. Always nice to see The Joe. But anyway, the show...Holy ducks, it rocked. I'm a big Lewis Black fan--especially since seeing him at the Ferst Center last year, so that was a big draw for me; but I think I left the show being most impressed with Dave Attell's act. Black was fucking hilarious too, but I think I enjoyed last year's act better. There was also a good balance between types of funny Lewis Black, Dave Attell, and Mitch Hedberg--nice mixture. I'm leaving out the local guy who opened, as I don't think he was very funny at all. Jokes that are potentially offensive are really hit or miss IMO, and most of his flopped. He just came off like a prick rather than funny.

Afterwards, after much vacillation (heh, that word sounds almost dirty, doesn't it?), we decided to go out afterwards...returning to The College, Traveling to the Waffle House parking lot, only to turn around and voyage to Righteous Room. A joyous time was had by all (at least from what I observed).

So yay. Thursday didn�t suck, and I believe I made good on all the goals I made Wednesday....yep:
I ran an extra quarter mile (though at a snail�s pace)
Actually did my philosophy reading (though I didn�t really understand it)
Successfully drove our happy party to the Tabernacle (though it may not have been the smoothest ride)
And maintained my sanity (though there isn�t much left).

You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll fight with someone in Spain

2003-10-22 / 5:34 p.m.

My neighbor, an exchange student from Spain, frequently has passionate arguments over the telephone in Spanish. She usually makes these calls from the chair at the end of the hall, so I hear them rather well. She yells, she cries, and sometimes she gets mad and hangs up, then calls back. Strangely enough, I've never heard her making a call that didn't entail this fervent pattern--though maybe I just don't notice them. Still, a slightly more positive thread that ties her calls together is the fact that they almost always seem to end on a peaceful note. This chick is an emotional dynamo--five minutes ago, she was shouting "No es verdad!" into the phone, but now it's apologetic utterances of affection and forgiveness. I wonder who she talks to...is it the same person every time? I guess I'm somewhat non-confrontational, and I don't think I've ever fought like that with anyone except my mother...and that really only happens when I'm living at home. Does this mean I make harmonious relationships with people, or am I just blas� and dispassionate? Of course, maybe it's unfair to compare my telephone conversations to hers...after all; there is a significant cultural difference. Though then again, I get the impression that everyday average Americans fight with their friends and loved ones too. I don't know, I'm clearly rambling. I guess I should be glad I don't have tempestuous telephone discussions--I guess I just feel a little dull today.

Speaking of dull, still trying to come up with an idea for NaNoWriMo--funny, I initially said I wouldn't bother if I couldn't come up with something to write, but the idea has become pretty appealing, and I think it'll be fun; however, I'm giving myself total and absolute permission to give up on it midway through. Generally, I hate hate hate hate abandoning something once I start it, but this is so trivial that it has to get discontinued if it ends up being too much of a drain of time or sanity. But yeah...still no good ideas.

It's been a failure-ridden day, but in the spirit of trying to stay positive, I will say that today's lecture in Globalization was quite interesting. A certain professor who I had last year--brother of a famous novelist and nephew of a dictator--guest lectured the class on globalization in Latin America. Joy.

Goals for tomorrow:
*Run a quarter mile further
*Actually be prepared for lecture in philosophy
*Successfully carry Joe, Michelle, MikeB and perhaps "Radammoore" (who always seems to be referred to with the crazy, squished-together name I can't spell) to the Tabernacle for the Lewis Black and Dave Attell show (yay!!!!!)
*Maintain Sanity.



2003-10-21 / 2:59 p.m.

I was going to update, but after reading Brian�s post to the message board about how boring I am, I became totally unenthusiastic about doing so.

Wow, that really fucking hurt

2003-10-21 / 9:18 a.m.

I just shloshed hot coffee across the back of my hand, and it hurts like fuck. And good morning to you too, Tuesday. ::grumble:: Things could be worse though, a lot worse...we should all remember that.

I got my globalization paper (draft) on that impossible book back for revision yesterday...The professor seemed to like it, which is good--but there are a lot of comments to muck through for revision, and his handwriting is absolutely impossible to discern. I'm going to have to go in for a conference, but that's cool. At any rate, the tentative grade is acceptable, so I'm optimistic for the grade I'll get on the revised paper.

Crap. My hand really hurts. This is easilly the worst coffee burn I've ever incurred.

Meh. I shouldn't be fucking around on the computer. I should be reading for class. Ta ta.


2003-10-20 / 10:21 a.m.

I almost finished a pretty sizeable weekend/mid-semester break update last night, but I saved it and went to bed�. now that I�m at work, I don�t have it here� so, those of you absolutely dying with anticipation to hear about my weekend will just have to chill and wait a few hours. In short, I spent money with Hillary, went to Wa-Ho with EK and HVB looking like a colossal weirdo, visited with my mother a couple of times, and spent excellent quality time with the boy.

Career planning has fucked up my appointment for the THIRD TIME this morning. I went in there, and they swear that I did not have an appointment today, and that I�m signed up for this time on Thursday. I think the woman who made my appointment told me the wrong date. I can forgive screw-ups of this nature usually�but this is absurd because I�ve had to reschedule for various reasons twice already. This is why I�m puttering around writing in my journal now, and not doing something productive. Still�. I�m controlling the rage. This week is going to include me trying not to be the miserable bitch I�ve been lately. My priorities are, once again, skewed. I�m working on rectifying this.

Okay. I�m going to make the best of this spare time, and read some more of my book. Ciao, friends.

All intellectual content is � Emily. Some rights are reserved.
Don't steal from Emmy. She bites.
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