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2003-11-01 / 9:22 a.m.


Flock of ayatollahs

2003-10-30 / 3:10 p.m.

To everyone who asked why I made up a stupid song about Iran for my working-on-my-Iranian-Revolution-project-away-message, please note that it was suposed to be a humorous adjustment to the Flock of Seagulls tune "I ran" and not just some shit I randomly came up with. :)

Not much else to report. I've been doing lots and lots of school work, research, paper writing, and studying. I'm terrified about all the stuff coming up. I've been a hermit lately--either because of being in a bad mood and avoiding others, or because I've been too busy to spend much time interacting with the real world outside my room or the library. At any rate, while it usually wouldn't bother me much, I'm feeling pretty lonely about now--not sure why I need human interaction so much more lately, go fig. I caught myself talking to myself today, and it was a scary thing. :) I'd write more, but it's time for another class. crap. This was a shitty entry.


2003-10-27 / 4:57 p.m.

zmode13 87%
phatjoe 86%
violin 58%
How compatible with me are YOU?

And breathe

2003-10-27 / 4:17 p.m.

Wow. Head swimming. Must...slack....off. Journal... (falldown)

I was just in career planning talking about graduate school. She's leading me to believe that I'm way more competitive than I originally thought (though this is all new stress to get good grades...). Looking at rankings, I was a little skeptical about the schools my advisor suggested as they're all really ambitious choices: U Mass Amherst, George Washington, ::snort:: Harvard-- but apparently they're not totally out of my realm, so that makes me happy. Also making me happy: both UGA and GSU have very well ranked Public Policy masters programs.

May as well give a quick weekend update before I return to the project...

Friday, after a highly shitty day, I traveled to casa Joe (as has become custom on Friday nights). We watched Bowling for Columbine, which I really enjoyed--I'm sad it took me this long to see it. I can see where people are coming from when they cite some of the scenes as being unnecessary and a bit sensationalized; however, this is popular political science, and in my experience, that seems to be the norm in how to sell non-fiction to a broad audience. It's entertaining and very accessible; and by doing a little muckraking, keeps the viewer excited about the topic. For one, I guess I'm used to it by now. That's how a lot of the popular, politically oriented, non-fiction I've read lately has been: Nickel and Dimed was, No Logo tends to be, and Fast Food Nation definitelywas. Also, I think I'm getting pretty good at identifying bias, so I don't feel like I'm being co-opted by Michael Moore's (or any other author or filmmaker's opinions). So yeah, that was good. I found it to be very effective, and I was grateful to Michael Moore for doing a good job balancing the timing and usage of more humorous scenes to keep some of the weightier portions from being too oppressive and difficult to watch.

Saturday Hillary and I hung out, and most of this week�s extravaganza was in-house. We watched Simpson�s Halloween DVD and carved some freaking insane jack-o-lanterns. I hope they last well until the party next weekend.

Okay. I�m off to do more research and try to chill out a bit as well before dinner. Today has been non-stop, go go go, and I�m starting to lose a bit of speed. I got up even earlier than usual with the best intentions of trying to go lift some weights or something in addition to jogging, but that was failure times three. At least I don�t regret getting up earlier...I hate exercising less when it's over before it�s light enough outside to run into other people.

...and over to Flip for today's weather

2003-10-27 / 9:32 a.m.

The weather is really, really depressing this morning. November is burned into my mind as a month of shitty weather, and it seems it's encroaching on October today. The trees are falling apart everywhere, and when I walked in to work this morning there were several dead leaves lodged in my hair. It's also gotten colder since this morning, which is way weird. When I woke up to go for my jog, it was quite warm--warm enough that I wished I had worn shorts instead of swishy pants. So, logically, I thought that since it was warm enough to exercise in shorts and a tank top, I could leave my dorm for the day without a hoodie...oh, but I was mistaken, as it is as damp 40 degrees outside. It's the weather equivalent of watching your ex-boyfriend run over a beloved pet.

There's a man in here (WC) who's making a lot of grunts and under-breath moans as he types. He also hits the keyboard extraordinarily hard...I'm a loud typist, but this is insanity. I think he's a grad student...yes, one of the mysterious male grad students. weird.

This week promises to be mostly shitty with a chance of paralyzing anxiety...however, I think the weekend will bring mostly sunny skies. I'll have a lot a lot a lot of work to do (IranianRevolution-DrugWarandGlobalization-SpanishImmigration-PhilosophyTestPreparation-SpanishTestPreparation...)*, but there are fun things sprinkled around as well. Friday, Joe and I are pondering his possible introduction to the world of Indian food. Saturday, NaNoWriMo starts which could be fun. I've yet to come up with much of anything...I'm trying to form a character in my mind, but he/she keeps changing, and he/she isn't very interesting yet. Everyone says a common stumbling block for first time fiction writers is that they tend to (consciously or unconsciously) fashion the main characters around their ideas about themselves....I hope to avoid this, as it will make my undoubtedly shitty "novel" quite boring. :) Anyway, I'm hoping someone has some kind of get-together Saturday or Sunday, as I think it would be fun to see who else is going to give it a shot. I'm already making bets with myself as to how early I'll run out of steam with the whole novel writing thing. :) I think I'd be more motivated if I were allowed to clock the hours for work--citing them as improvement of work-related skills. Even more importantly, Saturday night is Hillary's birthday party! yay! I'm hoping for a good turnout and an enjoyable evening. Yay for best friends turning legal!

*Holy crap. It wasn't until I wrote this out that I realized how much crap I have to do before next week!!! crapcrapcrap

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Don't steal from Emmy. She bites.
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