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2003-11-08 / 10:48 a.m.

Just taking a quick break from my Iranian Revolution project...and I've gotta say, it's pretty fucking good. I think I did a pretty decent job with the primary sources, and I'm on the home stretch now. If only the rest of my projects would go this smoothly!

Side note: I need to take a nap very soon.

It is what it is.

2003-11-07 / 2:30 p.m.

I wish I could have a comment section for each individual entry. It almost makes me want to switch over to livejournal, but that seems like so much effort. We have an LJ at work, so I've used it some, but on most counts I prefer diaryland...I just wish I could have a better forum thingie. Anyone happen to know of a way? ::Sigh:: I suppose we can't always get what we want. If we could, I guess life would be a hell of a lot sweeter on all counts. Time for Flute choir. slacking is finished.

Three cheers for missed appointments

2003-11-07 / 1:18 p.m.

I didn't sleep well last night, not well at all. I woke up several times, either due to strange and vivid dreams or external factors--and I'm a sad child today because of it. Yet more unfortunately, I remember being struck with several ideas last night, each time thinking "when I get the chance, I've definitely got to write about that in my journal/add that into my novel/get started on that" but now, I can't remember any of these things.

I got a wrong number on my phone this morning at about 4:00. I don't know if it was my being half-awake, or his poor enunciation, but I have no idea who he was asking for. I remember asking him for clarification as to what he was saying at least twice, before I realized I didn't fucking care who he was, or what he wanted.

I've been too busy and stressed out to really write much lately, and I fear that this will be the general trend for the rest of the semester. :( The only reason I'm writing now is because people tend to flake out on their WC appointments on Friday, so I'm killing time before my next session. Fortunately, my work is cut out for me, and there shouldn't really be any surprises. I will have exactly two final exams and, other than daily assignments, I know that I must complete the following: four minor papers, three end-of-semester research papers (ranging from requirements of 5 pages to 15), two class presentations,

and a partridge in a pear tree.

My official birthday is in 4 weeks and 4 days. My new birthday will follow three days later. I'll finally be 21. I'll be preparing to go to South America. I'll hopefully be 9.5 pounds lighter than I am now. All of the above work will be done and turned in. I'll perhaps be able to breath. I suppose it'll be a bit colder at that point (isn't this strange weather for November?! I was wearing shorts outside this morning!)

I'm going to work on my resume.

I need a makeover too. :*(

2003-11-06 / 1:15 p.m.

Not nearly as much fun, but definitely easier on the eyes

inconsequential details

2003-11-05 / 1:15 a.m.

Should I keep it pink, or try again? It was between this and a very nice blue scheme. Now that I'm looking at it, I don't like the pink much, and I'm leaning toward blue. However, I'm going to study now and go to sleep. Perhaps I'll mess with this tomorrow. Tomorrow. Man. Tomorrow's only Wednesday. man. Wednesday. ::sigh::


2003-11-05 / 12:10 a.m.

The Public Policy grad program at UMass Amherst looks really, really cool.

Order, schmorder

2003-11-04 / 11:07 p.m.

Too tired to write much of an entry. Have been too busy to write one before now. :( Must. write. something....

I have now heard the word homunculus twice in lecture setting. Unfortunately, it was in a very boring philosophy lecture the second time.

Speaking of philosophy, I think I whipped up on my test for that class today. I really get by in that class with my decent writing skills (the tests are essay based), I don't think my grade has much to do with my grasp of philosophy. Oh well, I'm not complaining...at least not about this.

Happy Birthday to Hillary! This weekend was incredibly awesome. My hair was too badass for words. Hillary's pictures are up too, for those of who aren't .gtpj people...or lurkers like myself. ::blush:: and hey....just because Joe was a pimp, does not mean I was dressed as a hooker. Let me repeat, I was not dressed as a hooker. Mike has just made this incorrect assumption, and I wanted to set the record straight.

Halloween, Joe and I went out to El Myr. On a whim, I wore heavy eye makeup and looked kinda' slutty...but it was little five on halloween, so who gives a fuck? Please note the alarming asymmetry of my eyes. El Myr was tasty--as always. Highlight: a table near us was dressed as all five Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles plus Splinter. Excellent.

Cool Halloween costume I saw on campus as we came back: guy dressed as Ferris Bueller...looked very much like a young Matthew Broderick as well. Bonus.

My new goal is to lose 10 lbs before my birthday (the real one). I figured that maybe if I published this goal, I wouldn't fail as spectacularly as I have been in this capacity. So disappointed in myself :*(

This boy is really awesome. For serious.

I hit my head three times today, and also incurred numerous paper cuts in the line of duty (read: researching for my globalization paper).

I may have an unpaid internship-ette for my Christmas break working on a campaign. I haven't learned much about the dude yet, nor have the people-who-are-supposedly-going-to-put-me-in-touch-with-him called me back, but it looks promising. He's running against a particularly annoying incumbent.

Been having more weird dreams lately, but usually forget them by the time I get back from jogging in the morning. The last one I remember consisted of an argument with Joe about the quality of various waffle mixes...I woke myself up in the middle of the night talking during this one.

There's probably more, but I give up. I'm tired, and this is so disjointed it would make a postmodernist cry. (that doesn't make any sense, but it sounded fun in my brain).


2003-11-03 / 12:30 p.m.

Finished my spanish test a bit early, (this doesn't indicate that I did well...:( only that the test was short) so I managed to upload the pictures from the party this weekend...they're okay, but I know that Hillary's are going to be awesome, I saw a couple and they're incredible! :) Her camera rocks. I mostly took pictures when we were hanging out before, so there aren't many of the actual _party_, and there's a unfortunate lack of photos of Joe in the pimp ensamble...but anyway, for now, here are fotografias: birthday pictures.


2003-11-02 / 9:28 p.m.

okay. I've been too crazy lately to write a proper entry, but one will be along in the not-too-distant future. Check back soon for A weekend update

and photos from the weekend (there are lots of yummy ones). I'm about to go to bed--it's been a bad weekend for sleeping (though supergood on other counts)...I'm really really busy this week, especially monday and tuesday (I have a test on each), but I'll get the pictures re-sized and uploaded to gehennom soon soon soon. To hold you over until then, see pictures of freakish jack-o-lanterns before they began to shrivel:


Added bonus, EK Hillary and I looking goofy:



All intellectual content is � Emily. Some rights are reserved.
Don't steal from Emmy. She bites.
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I have been blogging! (II)
aural love
put a little something in our lemonade and take it with us
best. party souvenir. ever.

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Declaration of New Patriotism


prolific time on hold with electric co.
best imitation of myself


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