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2003-12-31 / 9:57 a.m.

Since I didn't really post any new years resolutions last year, I don't really have much material for an entry about how I faired in achieving them. I mean, I guess I gave a blanket live-life-to-the-fullest resolution...but it's kinda' impossible to quantify success with something like that. Even if you could, I don't think I would have come close to actually succeeding it's kind of ambitious if you think about it.

I posted some goals for last semester. There were seven total. One turned out to be not applicable, and I failed at five of the remaining six.

So again this year, I'm going to keep my resolutions to myself...but they're there, trust me.

Interesting discovery made during a conversation with Mikeb

2003-12-29 / 7:57 p.m.

The plural of Fez is Fezzes.

I'm not tired.

2003-12-28 / 1:15 a.m.

Man....another entry driven mostly by not being able to sleep. Sad stuff, kids.

Christmas was....uh....sadly un-Christmasy. I did a lot of driving all by my lonesome: from the Merry Widows party to my Cousin's house in Powder Springs. I didn't spend much in the way of warm fuzzy time either place, nor did I care. Does that make me a bad person?

On the materialistic side of things, while I didn't really get any presents at home (Argentina = Christmas, and I have no problem with that), My aunt and Uncle bought me a gamecube. And I just realized that the last time I owned a game system that wasn't outdated, it was also a Christmas gift from them. They bought me the original Nintendo. Life is funny. Unfortunately, they didn't get the system that comes with the Zelda disc, but rather a set of free speakers instead. Ah well, I needed speakers for the computer anyway, and I'll play the zelda disc when Joe's copy finally gets here :) ...So yeah. Gamecube. Since it didn't come with any games, I used that as some kind of convoluted justification to going out any buying ssx3 the next day. I played a good number of hours until my eyes were nice and glassy.

Speaking of staring at screens for long amounts of time (what a segue there, eh?) I finally saw Return of the King today. Awesome, just awesome. I was worried I'd think it was too long, but it never got boring. I liked it so much better than the second one, though I'm not sure how it measures up to Fellowship in my book. I was very pleased. In addition to the positive experience of seeing ROTK, I also got to see the Prisoner of Azkaban trailer on the big screen. It also looks superawesome. Aside for being psyched about the actual film, I was really impressed with the trailer itself: very effective. That scene right at the end with the Dementor's hand....::shudder:: oog, that was good...and the kids singing, and, and, yeah....I lost like five of you, didn't I? I'll stop. Next movie on my list is definitely Big Fish.

I need to try to go to sleep. I'm in that weird place where I feel sleepy, but I can't sleep. I just don't want to do anything. Blarg.

I could go for some mario

2003-12-25 / 2:49 a.m.

It's Christmas morning...2:49 am according to my computer, 2:48 according to my alarm clock, too fucking early (or late) according to anyone sane. I don't know where this insane bout of insomnia came from...I was asleep three hours ago. Sound asleep. About 2:00 I woke up and absolutely could not go back to sleep.

I have nothing to say, but I also don't have anything to do; and writing an entry seemed like a good idea when I finally resigned myself to getting out of bed and actively trying to chill out and get sleepy again.

I wish I had my nintendo hooked up again, but I put it away because there's no room for it in here, and I couldn't get it to work correctly on the downstairs television. Heh, this is one of the few times I could justify needing a gameboy. You know, I never owned a gameboy....I asked for one Christmas of 95 or so, but no dice.

This has really been an uneventful Christmas....doesn't even really feel like Christmas to me...but my reasons for that are many and varied and complicated, too personal to write, and probably quite a downer. Therefore, instead of bitching, I'll use this entry as a vehicle to say how much all of you mean to me. The one thing that this holiday has always done for me is to cause me to stop and appreciate all the wonderful people in my life. So yeah, you there....yeah you. yep. Thanks. Merry Christmas.

random film and food babble

2003-12-24 / 11:52 a.m.

Next time we're going out to eat, and none of us can decide where to go, remind me that reading this week's creative loafing while hungry gave me many ideas.

Also, I want go to see Return of the King...I could have gone yesterday, but Visa woes prevented it. I also can't wait to see Big fish....and it had better not suck, because I'm looking forward to it. Speaking of movies, did any of you see The Station Agent?


2003-12-23 / 2:26 p.m.

So last night, I stayed signed on to the internet while I slept, and uploaded my boston pics to Gehennom. You can see all of them here. I'll include a few choice ones in my account of the trip if you don't feel like looking at all of them. :)

So I got there on Tuesday morning about 9:00 ish. HVB picked me up at the airport, we went back to Bruce's apartment to drop my stuff off, and then we went out wandering around boston. It wasn't too cold, but not quite warm enough for my comfort level--what can I say? I've lived in the South toooooo long. However, unlike many southerners, I'm not super impressed with snow, especially yucky, dirty, old re-frozen snow. She and I walked around, shopped a little, and ate lunch. We spent a lot of time walking around Boston Commons in the evening, which was nice.. Later on, we met with Bruce after he got off work, and ate at a tasty Thai restaurant. I had a chicken curry dish which I was pleased with

Wednesday morning, we woke up a little later so that we wouldn't run out of stuff to do before we met Bruce that night. We embarked on walking the Freedom Trail, which is a path that twists and turns through Boston; it's about 2.5 miles long and marked by an actual line of red bricks. It passes through lots of interesting historical sites and lots of pretty buildings. We started at faneuil hall and started walking, only to be sabatoged by rain within a half hour! We were very sad. The only interesting part we got to was the Old South Meeting house, which was neat and had a fairly interesting museum that charted its evolution and it's many functions since its creation. So we abandoned the freedom trail for the day(and thus became opressed?) and went to go buy tickets for Lord of the Rings for the next day--unfortunately it had sold out. The rain lessened a bit, and we went to Chinatown, looked around, and purchased a few pastries before meeting Bruce at the T station to go to dinner. We went to this really novel place near Harvard called Fire and Ice. It was like Mongolian BBQ, but with allll kinds of meat and sauces and stuff to have mixed in. For those of you who don't enjoy Mongolian BBQ with the zeal that Hill and I do, you pick out raw meat, sauce, and other stuff you want cooked and take it to a big communal grill where it's cooked up in front of you. Anyway, Fire and Ice was awesome. If I had any money at all, or knew anyone with disposable income, I'd be all about opening one in Buckhead--I'm positive that it would do really really well.

Thursday, the weather was much nicer. Hillary and I, supreme goddesses of public transit rode the bus over to the Harvard area, where we spent a long time looking around. The area is neat and college-y, and the campus itself is beautiful. The architecture is amazing--at Harvard and through the whole city. Most of the pictures I took are of neat buildings, so if you like that kind of thing at all, I'd encourage you to check out some of the other cool pictures I took; however, I won't subject everyone to them. :) We also walked a good bit more of the Freedom trail. Neat highlights of that included: The Paul Revere Mall (statue, Revere Mall), The Old North Church, a really old cemetary, and a view of the Bunker Hill memorial across the water. We also did a bit more shopping in the afternoon, where I purchased a Fez for Joe. This really isn't super relevant to describing the highlights of my trip...but I like the fez, and I wanted an excuse to post this picture of Joe doing ordinary tasks while wearing a funny hat.

Other than that, there was a lot of hanging out with Bruce and Hillary, and walking around and looking at cool buildings. It was a good trip, and a much needed break from being at home.

le sigh

2003-12-22 / 9:13 p.m.

Today I installed a very chipper bobblehead doll to my dashboard--a blithely happy little chinese kitty cat. Unfortunately, it's mood elevating effects only lasted for a few minutes: home sucks just that much.

Today michelle arranged a luncheon for an odd mix of our crowd from high school who happened to be loitering around cobb co. It was fun, if not a little bit awkward. We went to good ole' Los Reyes, (where I consumed more calories than I should have) and talked about life and stuff. Everyone seems to be living normal, successful lives (or at least make a good facade of it)--but I'm not surprised, I never expected anything less of any of my HS friends...I look up to all of them.

Getting my visa together for Argentina continues to be hellish.

Oh! Boston! Boston was fun. I got all my pictures re-sized today, but there's so many of them, I think I'm going to wait until I have access to a faster connection to upload them to gehennom. I'll either hop down to The College sometime this week and do it along with some other errands, or wait until The Bliss gets home, and use her connection. We did a lot of walking, some interesting shopping, and saw lots of cool historical stuff. I'll do a better job talking about it once I've got links to the photos at my disposal. Also had a great time hanging out with Hillary and Bruce--one of the few couples I don't feel like a complete third wheel hanging out with.

But yeah. Home now. Sucks. Trying to clean up my room top to bottom. Success is slow in coming. I incurred my first physical injuries from the process today, after tripping over a basket of unmatched socks and landing on the wooden box that my cpu sits on at school. woe. oh, psh...I almost forgot the best news of the day...The high school cheerleaders from my gym who I bitched about several times in July have returned...well, two of them at least. They commented that it was cool that I had turned one of the TVs to Buffy--I was ashamed at being caught watching it. :p Sadly, I'll have to admit it: while the show pretty much sucks, it makes for pretty decent treadmill entertainment.

All intellectual content is � Emily. Some rights are reserved.
Don't steal from Emmy. She bites.
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