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Happy employment tidings!!!

2003-04-09 / 7:04 p.m.

I just need a few minutes repose...my heart just isn't ready to jump into another night of reading, studying, researching, and writing. Just give me a few minutes to sit, and digest my dinner and play around on the computer. That's all I ask.

So I come to you, fair readers, with happy tidings this evening! While no word about summer internships has arrived, I did learn today that I got the job in the writing center!!! YAY!!! I'm really really enthused about this. It's going to be a really fun job, and I like everyone I'll be working with. I wish I could start now, but alas...the end of the summer is the beginning of training. Still, I've been asked to go to the next couple of staff meetings, which will include making some new contacts, learning about the workings of the center, and hanging out with people who will be awesome co-workers.

I'm also pleased that Katherine and Rachel--two of my good friends here--will be going abroad in the spring like me, instead of all year, so it won't be just Michelle and I who are here in the fall.

So...it seems like it's actually been a not-too-bad day. Granted, I'm more stressed about school than I think I've ever been, but at least it's not the kind of stress where I know I'm going to fail...it's the kind of stress that's pushing me to work harder so that I don't fail. I'm worried though, it's going to catch up to me soon. These evenings of sitting down and working until I can't stay awake anymore are starting to suck. Yesterday, I studied nearly the whole time I was at work (4:00-6:30), ate dinner while studying until 8:00, took an hour break, and then continued reading until about 12:15. When I was done, I felt like my brain was dead from reading and not moving around. If I wasn't so sleepy, I probably would have been really wound up. :) I just wish I was getting more done! Before bed, I look at my "to-do" list for the day, and can't help but be filled with dismay about all the things that didn't get finished.

Here's where I get apprehensive about my schedule. They're having another SGA election to fill a couple of positions that the winner backed out on, or ones that no one ran for...and one for student senate has opened up. At first I was really enthusiastic, several juniors and seniors I know in senate are urging me to run, and I really want to do it...but I'm starting to wonder if I'm not heaping up too much on my plate for next fall, before this semester is even over. As it stands now, I'm taking a very large courseload...granted, I'm taking some fairly easy classes, but I'm taking a lot. Because our scheduling system is really weird, most of the people who read this probably think that my schedule seems light, but the norm is to take about 16 or 17 hours, and I'm taking 21. Plus my new job at the writing center, while it's only 10-20 hours a week, is much more work-intensive than sitting in the library reading. Plus being the (presumed) new president of fencing club, AND SGA is kind of a lot. I think I can handle it. I mean, I'm probably going to end up taking one of those classes pass/fail...so that should be a relief. But, okay, I know you're sitting there skimming this and thinking how boring this is...so I'll cut it now. It's time to go work. At least I can console myself with the fact that tomorrow, at least after I work out, won't suck entirely. heh. Perhaps I'll write later. Ciao


2003-04-09 / 10:47 a.m.

I woke up to news reports that, at least facially, things seem pretty positive in the war. "Jubilant Iraqis" are swarming the streets and US forces are apparently meeting with little resistance. Still, I can't be as quick as some to be optomistic about a speedy end to this war. Perhaps I'm just waiting for a new report to come out of a whole new set of problems...maybe I've conditioned myself to be pessimistic about the whole operation. Also, I think it's hasty for people to see this as the beginning of the end. We've still got a lot on our plate as far as making good on our promises to 'fix' Iraq. While setting up a new regime probably won't be as violent as "war", it isn't going to be easy, or quick. In an article in the Times, I read about a basic, three phase plan that will be put into effect...but it's far from being specific and clear exactly what we're going to do, and how we're going to do it.

Wish I could read and discuss more, but I've got to go to class. Such a busy week!


2003-04-09 / 1:07 a.m.

After googling "Napoleon Blownapart", I regret to find that I'm not the first person to make this joke :( It's still funny...I havn't ammused myself up like that since "Unix is for eunuchs".

biscuit of love?

2003-04-08 / 10:33 p.m.

Success!!! My set-up is all shiny and new. Thinking of changing the theme as well, but not yet sure. We'll see. I've procrastinated long enough, its time to go back to studying

New Format

2003-04-08 / 10:19 p.m.

Assuming I set it up right, I should be using the blog format now, rather than the diary. I feel that this better fits the way I've been updating lately. You're welcome to give input, but I think I like it... working this way, I can post whatever I have time to post, and pass it off as a diary entry. How's that for half-assed? ha ha

For instance, I'm only posting now for one reason, and that is to share a really horrible joke I made with my readers. Okay, ready? Michelle was watching some historical-fiction miniseries about Napoleon Bonaparte (forgive me if I spelled his name wrong...I'm too lazy to look it up), and I turned to her and made this really horrid remark: "What do you call a frenchman who steps on a landmine? ... .. ... Napoleon Blownapart!" ::laughter:: I'm a horrible person, aren't I?

All intellectual content is � Emily. Some rights are reserved.
Don't steal from Emmy. She bites.
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