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2006-06-16 / 10:39 p.m.

I'm back I'm back I'm back I'm back!!!

gfy, dell.

2006-05-30 / 6:53 p.m.

My laptop died. Completely. There probably won't be much in the way of updates this summer unless it magically fixes itself. Furthermore, this leaves me in Decatur without cable and without internet: a hideous combination.

It's the only place I can ever find Haribo gummy fruit salad.

2006-05-18 / 10:38 p.m.

So I�m a workin� girl now. No, not that kind of working girl, I just have a job. As far as employment goes, my job is fantastic and looking like it will get better. Still, I can�t shake the feeling sometimes that I want to take a break from playing grownup and go outside and shoot waterguns. But really, it�s a great job. I like the work I�m doing/will be doing and my supervisors are great and smart and mellow. Everyone working there is really intelligent and quick and totally rules. Right now, I�m even sharing a nice office with a big window; however, I�m unfortunately losing the office (and the view) next week. I, along with the rest of my intern cohort, will be re-located to a conference room downstairs. It will be the intern cave, and we might fight crime. What I�m obsessed with now is the competition to be offered a permanent position. With the larger-than-average number of interns this year, I doubt they�ll be able to offer positions to as large a percentage of the interns that they have in years past. I�m just going to have to try to kick even more butt than usual, that�s all. That�s enough about my job though, it�s not journalappropriate.

Let�s talk about how skeezy the people that sell you gym memberships can be. I actually had an employee at �b�dy plex� say, �what kind of offer do I have to give you to keep you from walking out that door?!?!� And let�s talk about the umlaut while we�re on the subject, shall we? WTF, people? You are neither metal nor german. Time to accept that.

I ended up joining at LA fitness, which is perfectly lovely except that they only have daily lockers, meaning that my towel and funky workout clothes sat in my warm car all day festering. They�ve got pretty good ellipticals though, so I can maybe overlook the sweatstink in the car. Today, a friendly lady at the gym measured my body fat percentage for me. It was fortuitous, because I was just thinking earlier this morning that my self image might be a little too positive, and that I needed a good knock to the ole� self esteem. The interweb seems to think that my number wasn�t so terrible, but the optimal body fat percentage quoth to me at LA Fitness was, well, not the category I was in. at all. I�m trying to find time to lift weights, but it�s hard to spend more than 45 minutes at the gym, and still get to work as early as I�d like. Currently, I�m waking up way too freaking early, so there�s still tweaking to be done.

Can you tell I�m tired? I�m definitely tired. I think it�s time for bed. Let�s wrap this up with a few sentence fragments and a haiku, okay?

Like living close to the farmer�s market. Need some work clothes. New roommates are totally cool, we all watched selected scenes from the 40 year olf virgin. Lucy coming this weekend!!! Rock.

Failed at food shopping
Returned with bagels and wine
Farmer�s Market Rules.

I always come back

2006-05-14 / 11:55 a.m.

I�m back! School�s over for three months. I start my job tomorrow. I�m nervous, this is the first time I�ve had a real job, as in one I care about performing successfully that requires an 8 to 5 commitment. I�m sad that the weather has been so crumby this week. This was supposed to be my vacation, and there hasn�t been 3 minutes of swimming pool/beer/sunny weather. Crap.

Thursday, I got paid two dollars for looking at pictures of mayonnaise. It was one of those market research things, only it was all about mayonnaise, it was kind of weird. I couldn�t manage to tell off the survey guy, because he looked pretty pathetic and probably wasn�t having a lot of luck luring others to take the mayonnaise exam. I looked at some ugly packaging, said why I thought it was ass ugly, and then picked my favorite new packaging. I got to answer questions regarding whether I agreed or disagreed with various absurd statements like, �based on this packaging, I can tell that my whole family would love Bama Mayonnaise!�

this week, I also had two nightmarish experiences taking Lucy to the vet, first for a check-up, and for dental work the next day. She was so wild the two vets and an assistant couldn�t hold her still for shots. Poor Lucy was terrified and sore from being held down to the table in her violent writhing, so they ended up giving her gas anesthesia to calm her down, it was insane. By the time they finished trying to hold her down, the white towel they had her wrapped in was spattered in the blood of Lucy�s enemies. My cat is the most badass of all the kitties; nobody fucks with Lucy without getting cut.

In the continuing spirit of brief and uninteresting updates, I went out with Roger and his parents for a really nice dinner in celebration of Roger�s graduation. I had fancy salmon with fancy asparagus, on fancy risotto, that was super rich. I tried not to act like a total rube, avoiding things like picking my teeth with a shrimp fork, or hiding the delicious bread in my purse for later. It was the pinnacle of this week of eating bad-for-you stuff and not bothering to go exercise in any fashion.

Starting Monday, I�ll be spending most of my evenings in Sunny Decatur. Perhaps any ITP (gag, I hate that expression) readers will call me and we can play. If you don�t have the necessary information to contact me, let me know.

All intellectual content is � Emily. Some rights are reserved.
Don't steal from Emmy. She bites.
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I have been blogging! (II)
aural love
put a little something in our lemonade and take it with us
best. party souvenir. ever.

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prolific time on hold with electric co.
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