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2002-11-10 / 11:37 a.m.

Ahhhhhhh. This is really the first time I've slept in in ages. It is currently 11:37 on a Sunday morning. I am all about this

I finally saw "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" last night. What an adorable movie. With a plot like that, you really run the risk of being cheesy, but MBFGW avoided it well. Joey Fat-one really did well during his, oh, 10 combined minutes on screen. Good...but probably not enough good to make up for "On the Line".

I'm amped for "The Simpsons" season premier tonight. I was dissapointed with last season as a whole, and I'm looking forward to this one not sucking. Call me an optomist, go ahead...it's been years since I've been an optomist. The Halloween epesode was average for a halloween ep...I mean, they're okay, but I havn't seen what I would call a really funny treehouse of horror epesode in a couple of years, and I continue to maintain that both TreeHouse of Horror IV and V were the best of them.

Along with all the fun of this weekend, I also broke down and did my laundry. Holy crap. It is such a pain in the ass. I had to break my new, homemade piggy bank to get to the quarters, which was emotionally damaging to begin with. I took all my laundy down to the washroom only to find that one girl monopolized all three washers. She said that her clothes would be done in 10 minutes, and I could use them then. Okay, great. I went upstairs for five minutes...honestly....five minutes and no more. When I came back down some other chick was using them. Gaah21hjkh! damn. Okay...no problem. I took a jaunt out to get lunch and go to the store. I can always do the laundry later...and leaving prevented me from hitting the level of hysterics in the laundry room.

::sigh:: I should have just taken my laundry home like I usually do...but I havn't really spoken to my mother in several weeks. The last time was a couple of weeks ago when she brought me a plant stand and took some clothes I wanted to take back to the mall--and even that visit was very breif. I feel bad, but I just havn't wanted to talk to her the last few weeks when I've been so stressed out, becase frankly, she has no idea what it feels like to be stressed about school. I havn't been home in weeks, and it feels great--but at the same time horrible. I'm enjoying finally feeling like I'm not still living at home...but I know my mother is lonely. I that she sits at home alone for hours on end. She gets off work, eats, cleans, talks to the cat, watches television and goes to sleep. Sad as it is, I know that most of the time, I'm the only person she has to talk to. I worry about her. Sooo....what's the point of this whine? The point is that if any of you have any single dads who are in their late 40's/early 50's -- only kidding.

Okay, I can tell you that I'll probably write again today...but now I've actually got to get off my ass and do something. I've spent the weekend pretending like I don't have any homework, and now I have to pay. Plus, I'm absolutely starving. Thanks for reading!

All intellectual content is � Emily. Some rights are reserved.
Don't steal from Emmy. She bites.
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