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Finals ::Drool::

2002-12-15 / 1:30 a.m.

Finals blow, man. I'm happy though--I got one out of the way today. I shit you not, folks....2:45 Hours of straight writing. I already had a comprehensive outline, it was pretty much transcribing. My fingers hurt, my wrist hurts, my elbow hurts, but I'm DONE! yay!! ::sigh:: only one more left

There just isn't a lot to talk about now. I spent the last two days studying in 4 hour chunks, and trying to keep sanity during breaks by conversing with peers and playing Pokemon Puzzle League (so fun, despite it's basis in the stupid japanese cartoon). Most interesting parts of my brain have been pushed to the periphery to make room for postmodernist critiques of pop-culture, and Foucault-inspired analysis of disciplines as power apparatuses ::yawn::

Oh! Here's something...I ran home the other morning to help my mother decorate our Christmas tree. The thought of her having to do it all alone was really depressing (my mother needs a boyfriend...). So anyway, after we did that, I wanted to take a trip down to the cat shelter to visit my kitten friends. Mom was glad to go, because she wanted to show me "Sally Anne". Apparently, she's become completely infatuated with this kitten (Sally anne) and wants to adopt it. To be honest, after seeing her, I totally understand...she's the cat we've always wanted...cute, playful, affectionate, and not-evil. Mom and I came really close to taking her home, but ultimately, I think we've decided that it would break Lucy's heart. As much as I wish I had an affectionate animal, Lucy is my cat and I love her. I think a kitten would traumatize her, and make her nastier. Maybe later, we'll try bringing a grown up cat home, see how she adjusts, and adopt her for good. I think I'd rather take a grown-up anyway. So, unless she didn't happen to be adopted today, I don't think out household will hear the pitter patter of any new feet. I love going to play with the babies...it's really a bright spot in going back to marietta.

Speaking of Marietta, I'll be back there soon...probably Tuesday morning. I can't believe the semester is practically over. Wow. It has really passed quickly. I wish I could say that I'm ending the semester regret-free...but that's not true, I'm really lamenting my grades...but no sense in dwelling. Right now, I'm going to hop along to bed. There will be a better entry when I'm finished with my English final.

All intellectual content is � Emily. Some rights are reserved.
Don't steal from Emmy. She bites.
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put a little something in our lemonade and take it with us
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